7 Cleaning Tips to Extend Carpet Life

7 Cleaning Tips to Extend Carpet LifeCarpets look good when they are new. However, this look can disappear quickly if maintenance is not done well and after a few years, you have no option but to replace them. However, you don’t have to replace carpets every so often. To extend their life, here are 7 cleaning tips that you can embrace to keep them looking good longer:

1. Keep the Dirt Outside
Dirty carpets carry numerous dust mites as large amounts of dust accumulate underneath each year. They contain different indoor contamination and allow mold to grow in damp areas causing allergies to children. Due to the health hazard they pose, it is critical that you keep your carpet clean and free from damage. One way of doing this is by removing your shoes when entering the house. This ensures that dirt is left outside. It also means that you reduce the rate at which your carpet gets dirty. This reduces the number of times that you vacuum your carpet hence extending its lifespan.

2. Place Mats or Rugs in High Traffic Areas
Carpets, just like roads, wear out more in areas where traffic is high. Some common high traffic areas include coach, bed, table and doorway areas. Placing rugs on sections where your feet rest can help protect the carpet underneath, thereby reducing its rate of wearing off. Consider buying mats and rugs that are designed specifically for walk-off – with properties such as high water absorption. With time, these rugs or mats need to be cleaned to ensure they don’t collect debris that can eventually move to the sounding carpet areas. If their specialized properties become less effective, replace them to continue maintaining your carpet.

3. Vacuum your Carpet Frequently
Frequent carpet vacuuming extends the life of your carpet because it reduces the accumulation of gravel and dirt that cause your carpet fibers to wear off. Consider vacuuming your carpet two to four times a week, particularly in areas with high traffic. A lot of dirt that accumulates on carpets is dry soil, which is easily removed by vacuuming. To ensure that soil and dust are sucked out of the carpet, ensure that your vacuum cleaner is in good condition and that its settings are right.

7 Cleaning Tips to Extend Carpet Life

4. Remove Stains as Soon as you Spot Them
While it is not possible to stop spills, you can be able to always clean them up as soon as they happen. Failing to clean spills as soon as they happen causes them to soak into carpet padding and fibers, causing damage. When the spill is left to set in and dry, it becomes a permanent stain. This is worse if the substance that spilled is acidic because it could eat the carpet fibers away. Clean any solid stains on your carpet and sop-up any excess liquid to prevent this kind of damage. Always act fast and soak the spill up when it is still fresh to keep it from ruining your carpet. Also, let other people in your home understand how important it is to clean spills right away. Where possible, consider keeping all drinks and snacks in the kitchen area to reduce spills.

5. Get a Professional to Clean your Carpet Regularly
Professional maintenance is a critical part of extending the lifespan of your carpet. Most carpets need to be cleaned by a professional every one to two years. It is like having an oil change for your car. On a regular basis, call on professional carpet cleaners to give your carpet a comprehensive clean. A professional carpet cleaning company like Carpestology Brisbane will give you a reliable service that your carpet needs to last longer. Avoid the temptation to do it yourself. You may think it will save you some money, but not having your carpet cleaning done professionally could cost you much more in the long run.

6. Get Supplemental Carpet Cleaning Tools
If you find that you are always lacking time to do the slow vacuuming job in your house, you may want to get tools that can help you do the job remotely. For instance, get an automated carpet robot that can intelligently and diligently work its way around the house, cleaning the floor and carpets. Though such robots are incomparable to regular vacuums such as these Riccar vacuum cleaners, they can assist in getting rid of debris and dirt that accumulate on your carpet before you find time to do a full-blown vacuuming job to eliminate all the smaller particles that can get left behind.

7. Rearrange your Furniture Occasionally
Over time, having your furniture placed on a single location can get your carpet worn out in some areas. A trail tends to develop and dirt builds up in areas that have high traffic. To keep this from happening, move your furniture around, rearrange your house occasionally so that common areas get to shift and the traffic pattern changes. This extends the life of your carpet because by shifting commonly stepped areas, new traffic paths are created.


  1. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    These are all good tips. I shall have to rearrange my furniture occasionally. I never thought about doing it.

  2. Peggy Nunn says

    These are great p. I wish I had done all these for the following pass years. Thank you for the information.