Kid’s Swimming Pool Toys and Accessories from SwimWays

Paw Patrol Swimming Pool Toys from SwimwaysEvery year we kick off the summer season by opening up our swimming pool Memorial Day weekend. Our grandchildren love coming over to our home and spending a lot of time with us in our pool. It’s a lot of fun to pick up new floaties, water games, and pool accessories.

* Complimentary products received for review. This post may contain affiliate links.

Last month I introduced you to SwimWays who is a leisure and recreational water products manufacturer striving to make free time more fun through innovation. In my honest opinion, they make some of the best products out in the retail marketplace.

SwimWays now carries licensed Paw Patrol theme’d toys and swimming accessories, along with other licensed characters from Disney, etc. My grandson is a HUGE Paw Patrol fan, so he was pretty excited to receive some new goodies for this review.

Paw Patrol Paddlin' Pups from Swimways

The Paw Patrol Paddlin’ Pups come in two choices: Skye and Chase. These wind-up paddlin’ toys can be used in a swimming pool, lake, bathtub, etc. He loves playing with them during bath time and its even more fun when he’s using them in our pool. The characters are adorable and are the two most popular characters from Paw Patrol.

Paw Patrol Paddlin' Pups from Swimways

Paw Patrol Paddlin' Pups from Swimways

The Paw Patrol Kickboard is a lot of fun too! This floatie is perfectly sized for toddlers and young children. Prince calls it his “surf board” and enjoys using it in our pool or when we’re visiting the beach. I love the cute Paw Patrol design!

Finally, he received Paw Patrol Swim Googles which are a must-have for any young child who’s learning how to swim. Let’s face it, kids don’t like getting water in their eyes! The goggles are adjustable, so you can adjust them to get a snug fit.

Prince wasn’t too fond of putting on goggles just yet (he’s only 3 1/2) but the Princess quickly picked them up and started using them. What’s nice is that we can adjust them for her head (she’s 10) or his head (he’s 3 1/2), equally. They get a nice fit without the water seeping in to sting their eyes. Plus, they’re just cute to wear!

Paw Patrol Swim Googles from SwimWays

We’ve been buying products from SwimWays for the past few years and love them! They’re extremely well-made and always a lot of fun! Check out the company’s website to learn more about International Learn to Swim Day, Autism and Water Safety, Teach Me to Swim, and other great programs that they support.

Disclaimer: Shelly H. received a complimentary product to feature & review on this blog. No monetary compensation was received. Shelly’s thoughts, opinions and words about the product are 100% her own, unbiased opinion. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. Thanks!