Protect Yourself and Pets from Mosquito Bites and Bee Stings

YellowJacket Bee Repellent GoClipHow many of you enjoy spending time outdoors but hate the mosquito bites, fly bites and bee stings that come along with it? How many of you are looking for an easy way to prevent bug bites and bee stings from occurring? How would you like a product that can protect YOU and YOUR PET from all of that nastiness? If you answered YES to any of those questions…read on.

* Complimentary products received for review. This post may contain affiliate links.

With the fluctuating weather the nation has been experiencing, bugs are on the rise and they will only get worse as the spring and summer seasons progress. Each season has a rotation of bugs that cannot survive in other seasons. It is the circle of life and keeps nature running smoothly. This year our unusual weather has completely confused the bugs allowing them to survive through the mild winter.

Rescue® Pest Control products are not only child-safe but pet-safe, making products such as their The Mosquito GoClip and The YellowJacket GoClip can easily be clipped to your pets collar repelling insects from them, to your backpack, fanny pack, article of clothing, etc.

Mosquito Repellent GoClip

The GoClips® are infused with all-natural essential oils that protect your personal space from mosquitoes, biting flies, black flies, and ticks with a “spatial” effect that deters them from landing on you. All-natural, re-usable, pleasantly scented and non-toxic it needs no spray on skin contact and provides up to two weeks of protection! GoClip® is designed to be worn outdoors, on the go… it attaches to clothing, hats, backpacks, lanyards, strollers, even pet collars.

Product Features:

* All-natural
* Pleasant scent
* DEET-free and kid-safe
* Nothing to spray or apply to skin
* Offers up to two weeks of protection
* Resealable pouch allows clip to be used multiple times

We spend a lot of time outdoors working in our garden, playing backyard games as a family, hiking, camping, taking long walks in the park, lazing on the beach and all kinds of other things. Spring and summer are our favorite time of the year, so you’ll often find us outdoors enjoying various activities. With that said, I’m deathly allergic to bee stings, so much so that I have to carry epi-pens around with me. Once stung I have 2-3 minutes to inject myself with the epi-pen and that will buy me time to get to an emergency room for additional treatment. As you can imagine, its important that I prevent bee stings as much as possible.

Mosquito Repellent GoClip

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been wearing The YellowJacket Repellent GoClip every time I’m outside. You simply clip it onto your clothing, backpack, fanny pack, whatever. While wearing it I smelled nothing, absolutely nothing. You don’t need to spray chemicals onto your skin…just wear The YellowJacket Repellent GoClip is the easiest preventative product that I’ve ever used!  While outside I normally see bees buzzing around me while working in the garden and guess what? They were no where to be seen and I contribute that to the GoClip!

My husband and I are both very sensitive to mosquito bites and when we get them…they “well-up” to the size of half-dollars, itch and burn for days on end. We’ve all been bitten at one time or another and let’s face it, those bites are miserable to deal with. On top of that…mosquitoes carry some of the most-nastiest germs & viruses in the world!

The Mosquito GoClip is infused with all-natural essential oils that protect your personal space from mosquitoes, biting flies, black flies, ticks, etc. The “scent” deters all of those nasty bugs from landing on you. They’re kid-safe, pet-safe, non-toxic, all-natural and re-usable for up to 2 weeks per GoClip. Every time you come back inside…place your GoClip back into the resealable bag until the next time you need it. Yes, it’s really that easy!

This was the first time that we’ve tried these products and I have to honestly admit to you…they’re fantastic! I was pleasantly surprised at how easy they were to use and how effective they were. You can head on over to to learn more about the company and their products. If you’re going to spend any time outdoors (or your beloved pet), you definitely need to pick up a few GoClips to help prevent bee stings and bug bites! You can connect with the company on Facebook too.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Disclaimer: Shelly received a complimentary product as featured in this blog post. No monetary compensation was received. Shelly’s thoughts and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion on the company & products being featured today. The Two Classy Chics are not responsible for prize shipment or fulfillment. This post may contain affiliate links. Thank you!