Month: May 2019

Things to Do on Vacation in Maricopa

Things to Do on Vacation in Maricopa

If you’re visiting the Phoenix, Arizona area, consider spending some time in Maricopa. The city of Maricopa is outside of downtown Phoenix so you will encounter less traffic and less chaos. Despite being outside of the bigger city, it still has a lot of great 

Preview Sunday Week of May 5th

Preview Sunday Week of May 5th

Today is Sunday, May 5th, 2019. This coming week, we have some fabulous product reviews and giveaways that you are going to enjoy! Today, I am sharing just a tease of what I’ll will be posting this week for all of you to see! Adult 

CBD Homemade Queso Recipe

CBD Homemade Queso Recipe

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in the cheesiest way possible – a homemade queso recipe created by CBDistillery. If you’re looking for a dip that’s the next big hit at the Cinco de Mayo party, look no further.

* This is a guest post recipe. This post may contain affiliate links. The recipe is courtesy of CBDistillery and will make approximately 4 servings. Please see their website for additional information.

CBD Homemade Queso Recipe

CBD Homemade Queso Recipe

– 2 Shallots, diced
– 2 Cloves Garlic, minced
– 2 Jalapeno Peppers, diced
– 2 Chipotle Chili Peppers in Adobo Sauce (canned), diced
-1-3/4 Cups Half & Half
– 2 tsp Yellow Mustard
– 4 oz. Cream Cheese, cut into pieces
– 8 oz. Mild Cheddar Cheeses, shredded
– 4 oz. Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese, shredded
– 1/8 tsp of CBDistillery CBDelicious Powder

1. In a medium sauce pan heat a tablespoon of olive oil and sautee shallots, garlic and jalapeno peppers for 3 minutes.
2. Add the half & half and chipotle peppers. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat and whisk in mustard and cream cheese.
3. Stir until all of the cream cheese is melted into the mixture.
4. Gradually add cheddar cheeses stirring to incorporate. Continue until all the cheese is added and melted together.
5. Add in the CBDelicious powder and stir until combined.
6. Serve immediately or put into a crockpot or fondue pot on low to keep warm.
7. Refrigerate unused sauce. It will become hard in the fridge when chilled. Reheat in the microwave or on the stove top to soften.

Check out their step-by-step video above. To note, there is approximately 195 mg of CBD in 1/8 of a teaspoon. This recipe is for four servings, so about 50 mg per serving. The amount of CBD added can be varied based on an individual’s needs.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Samuel - Signature Tag

Kid’s Crafts: Seashell Paper Weight Teacher’s Gift

Kid’s Crafts: Seashell Paper Weight Teacher’s Gift

Early next month the Princess will be finishing up the 4th grade and wanted to make an End of Year Teacher’s Gift for her favorite teacher. She was telling me that her teacher has a lot of pretty things sitting on her desk that the 

The Chilling Supernatural Horror Story THE PRODIGY

The Chilling Supernatural Horror Story THE PRODIGY

I admit, I’m not a big fan of supernatural horror stories. The only horror stories that I typically watch are the ones that fall under the science-fiction genre. Ones that include zombies, disaster yarns, serial killers, mystery-horror murders, etc. I know that some of our 

What are the 5 Types of Portable Camping Cots You Can Choose From?

What are the 5 Types of Portable Camping Cots You Can Choose From?

5 Types of Portable Camping CotsJust because you want to immerse yourself in nature camping, becoming one with the wilderness, doesn’t mean you have to solder it on the ground, too. Sleeping on the ground may sound like a good idea in theory, but there are a lot of health problems and risks that go with it.

Instead of choosing between sleeping on the hard surface or carrying a heavy sleeping bag and tent, you can use one of these 5 types of portable camping cots.

5 Cots You Can Carry That Won’t Break Your Back

You want a cot that is lightweight, but it has to be functional, too. The cot should be easily foldable, simple to carry, and more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. These 5 types are the best camping cots because they fit all of these categories.

1. Military style – Military style cots are made from a steel frame support system. Oxford cloth is stretched from end to end to create a lightweight cot that can hold up to 300 pounds. These usually weigh less than ten pounds but tend to be bulkier than other cots. If you are an avid hiker looking for a cot to hike with, this might not be your first choice. Otherwise, it’s a great cot to use for outdoor camping.

If this is something that you’re looking for, check out the expert camper for some options.

2. Sports cots – The steel frame support system and oxford canvas are also utilized in this style of the cot. However, this one is reinforced to allow for larger sleepers and still avoid buckling. Clean up is easy – just fold the whole cot up when you are done using it and insert it into the carry bag provided to you.

3. Sleeping bag support cots – Better than sleeping on the ground but good for those who want that close-to-nature feel, these cots elevate your sleeping bag just enough to avoid the hard ground and possibly save your back and neck from days of discomfort. These cots are perfect for campers and hikers with small tents. They’re made from aluminium and breathable nylon to allow air to circulate and prevent moisture buildup.

4. Ultralight hiking cots – When you have to carry your cot long distances, the lighter the better is preferred. There are ultralight hiking cots that are similar to those used to support sleeping bags but are made of polyester and an aluminium alloy. They can fold up and fit in a hiking backpack. These cots weigh less than five pounds but usually support less than 300 pounds.

5. Deluxe cots – When size and weight aren’t your primary concerns, you can look into a deluxe cot. These are slightly wider than standard cots and often come with extra features, like pockets for your items. They still fold and carry well but are heavier and bulkier than other cots. But you’ve got more sleeping space and can use a sleeping pad or a larger sleeping bag, so the trade-off is great if you have the flexibility.

Choose Your Cot, But Don’t Sleep on the Ground

With all of the different types of cots out there, there’s no reason for you to have to soldier it alone on the ground anymore. Choose the one that suits your needs and you’ll be sleeping well under the stars on your next trip to nature!

Two Classy Chics Week in Review May 3rd

Two Classy Chics Week in Review May 3rd

Today is Friday, May 3rd, 2019. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Jurlique Boosts Your Skin’s Natural Radiance and Moisture

Jurlique Boosts Your Skin’s Natural Radiance and Moisture

We all know that hydration is essential to our well being and drinking those “eight glasses of water a day” is something we’ve heard time and time again. Your skin should also be part of that healthy hydration process and taking care of your body