Month: May 2019

Shelly’s Spring Flower Gardening Ideas

Shelly’s Spring Flower Gardening Ideas

Over the past few years I’ve shared with you my love for flower gardening. I’m by no means an expert and don’t pretend to be one. I’ve been enjoying gardening for the past 6 years and my love for it continues to grow. Every season 

Large Floral Painted Seashells for Spring and Summer

Large Floral Painted Seashells for Spring and Summer

Last month I was going through my large seashell collection and decided to make something to decorate for spring and summer. I pulled out a large 5 1/2″ wide clam shell, 5 small slipper shells and a small round pebble. Other than paint and glue, 

Meet Our Adopted Cat – Tucker Carlson

Meet Our Adopted Cat – Tucker Carlson

Our Cat - Tucker CarlsonIn early April we witnessed a car pulling up in front of our home and tossing out a cat through the car’s window. That cat tore through our front yard and hid underneath a bush by our front door for 2 1/2 days. We didn’t know if it was injured, sick or just in plain shock at what had happened.

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We tried numerous times over the course of 2 1/2 days to gain the cat’s trust and to lure him out from underneath that bush. We were finally able to succeed by repeatedly offering it food and talking to it. Our intentions at the time was to just keep feeding it and looking after it while it remained outdoors.

As someone who’s chronically ill and disabled…I wasn’t sure if I could physically take care of a pet…or afford one. Let’s face it, we have tons and tons of medical bills and I didn’t know how we would afford an additional expense.

Over the course of 3 1/2 weeks we fell in-love with this cat. We thought it was a girl and named it Miss Kitty. I went in to see my doctor and talked to them about adopting this cat and making it a 100% indoor cat. At first they said no (due to my medical condition) but after some talking about it…they agreed under certain circumstances.

We had to take the cat to a licensed vet for a head-to-tail physical. We had to get it fully vaccinated. We needed complete blood work for all of the major feline diseases, urine and fecal tests, etc. If the cat passed all of those they demanded that it get bathed, flea-dipped, groomed, ears cleaned, dental check-up, nail’s trimmed, etc. In other words, a full day at the feline spa. We need to make sure this cat was 100% healthy and clean. We can’t take the chance that any germs or diseases would come into our home and affect me.

Our Cat - Tucker Carlson

Hubby and I do Swagbucks and had been stockpiling our SB’s into a rainy day account. Thankfully we had that money stockpiled because that’s what we used to pay for the vet bill, testings, grooming, nail trimming, etc. and used it to purchase all of the indoor cat supplies that we would need. (litter box, cat litter, food dish, food, treats, toys, collar, etc.).

I’m happy to report that our newly adopted cat lives INSIDE our home with us and guess what? It’s not a girl…it’s a boy!!! We found out at the vet’s office that he was neutered at an early age (before the XXX had dropped, so he was neutered differently which made him appear to be a girl). He was bone thin when he first arrived in our front yard and has been making steady progress on gaining weight. He’s currently at 10 lbs. and 2 oz.

After thinking about it over the course of four days we finally decided to name him Tucker Carlson Hill. We just love him and we plan on giving him the BEST life a cat could have! Shameful on his previous owners for tossing him out of a moving vehicle like he was a piece of trash. SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL, SHAMEFUL. Their loss is our gain!

You’ll be seeing a lot more of Tucker here on the blog as time goes on but for now we wanted you all to meet our beloved new pet!

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~ Shelly, Sam and Tucker

Two Classy Chics Week in Review May 10th

Two Classy Chics Week in Review May 10th

Today is Friday, May 10th, 2019. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of 

Clay Play! 24 Whimsical Projects Book by Terry Taylor

Clay Play! 24 Whimsical Projects Book by Terry Taylor

Transform simple balls and coils of polymer clay into fabulous wearable art! Just follow these full-color, step-by-step photos and clear directions to create more than 40 whimsical jewelry projects plus 10 types of beads. Playful possibilities include tempting food charms (cupcake, burger, and other favorite 

Sparkling Ginger Lime Mocktail Recipe

Sparkling Ginger Lime Mocktail Recipe

How many of you enjoy a good cocktail or mocktail from time to time? I know I do! When it comes to making them at home, I’m all about easy-to-make recipes that utilize simple ingredients or ingredients that I have on hand.  The following mocktail recipe looks refreshing, perfect after a long day or during the weekend.

Sparkling Ginger Lime Mocktail Recipe

* This guest-post recipe is courtesy of Sparkling Ice. Affiliate links may be within the post. Looking for more easy-to-make cocktail recipes? We have over 200+ right here on the blog!

Sparkling Ginger Lime Mocktail Recipe

6 oz. Sparkling Ice Ginger Lime
10 Mint Leaves
1 Fresh Lime Wedge
1 Spring of Mint

In an ice-filled Collins glass, add the Sparkling Ice Ginger Lime and mint leaves, then stir. Garnish with a lime wedge and mint sprig. Serve immediately.

* This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site. Thank you!

Precious Moments Collection Baby Baptism Gifts

Precious Moments Collection Baby Baptism Gifts

My husband and I started dating back in the mid 1980’s and have been together ever since. Shortly after we started dating he gave me my first Precious Moments figurine to honor our 6 months dating anniversary. From that time forward he’s presented Precious Moments 

How to Plan Your Next Home Renovation

How to Plan Your Next Home Renovation

A bit of change every now and then can completely alter your mood and your outlook. Conversely, if we allow our lives to stagnate and our surroundings to remain unchanged for too long, it can lead to poor moods and a worse overall outlook on