How to Develop an Eco-Friendly Beauty Routine

How to Develop an Eco-Friendly Beauty RoutineEveryone wants a great beauty routine, which will help them to look and feel their best, as this can have such a positive impact on many areas of your life. Unfortunately, the majority of beauty routines are not particularly environmentally friendly. This is an issue in the modern world where environmental damage is a huge topic with many people looking for ways to be more eco-friendly in their daily lives. It may seem like it won’t make a difference, but if everyone pulls together and makes minor changes, it can help to reduce damage. The good news is that there are many ways that you can develop an eco-friendly beauty routine which will still help you to look and feel your best.

Cut Down On Products

The cosmetics industry will have you believe that you need dozens of products to stay beautiful. This is not the case! There are many products which are very similar and multi-use to consider (this is also cheaper). Always read the ingredients to see what each product contains and if you are doubling up in areas.

Cut Back On Shampoo

You only need to wash your hair 2 or 3 times a week as otherwise, it will strip your hair of its natural oils. Additionally, cutting back on shampoo can save water and electricity, and you could also switch to bars instead of a bottle.

Recyclable, Biodegradable & Organic Products

When purchasing beauty products, always opt for items which are either recyclable, biodegradable or organic. A few examples include:

• Bamboo toothbrush
• Natural sanitary products
• Biodegradable makeup wipes

Mineral Makeup

Following on from this, you can also find makeup which is both kind to your skin and the planet. Jane Iredale products use the highest quality minerals with organic ingredients which can enhance your beauty and nourish your skin without damaging the environment.

Homemade Skin Treatments

You can also reduce damage to the environment and save a fortune by making your own skin treatments – this can be great fun too! There are all kinds of different beauty products that you can make with a few simple ingredients, and it is easy to find recipes for these online.

Use Less Electricity

A beauty routine can consume a lot of electricity especially if you are using it each day. You can cut down on your usage by:

• Using energy-saving blow dryers
• Unplugging hairstyling tools when not in use
• Using a manual toothbrush instead of electric

Research Brands

It is a smart idea to research every brand before making a purchase. Opt for brands which use sustainable ingredients, uses thoughtful packaging and is against animal testing. You will often find that an eco-friendly cosmetics brand will create an entire range so you can ensure that all of your products are green.

The time has come for everyone to look for ways in their life that they can be more environmentally friendly. Your beauty routine is one area to address as there are a few simple changes that you can make which will make a big difference while still allowing you to look and feel fantastic.