Happy Easter 2019

Happy Easter Easter is one of my family’s favorite holidays of the year. It has religious meaning (the most important thing) and for those of us in the northeast it’s the start of warmer weather. I’m one of those people who prefers Easter to fall in the month of April and not much of a fan of it being celebrated in March.

I wanted to take a few minutes out of our busy day to wish all of you a Happy Easter. I hope you take some time out of your busy day to remember the REAL reason we all observe the Easter holiday.

We started off our day with mass at church and then a light brunch afterwards. The grandchildren will be coming over for an egg hunt and game time with the family. Then we’ll all sit down and enjoy our holiday dinner together. What are your plans for today?


Shelly's Signature


  1. Dana Rodriguez says

    I hope you had a wonderful Eater! I spent a big part of the day cooking but I didn’t mind. We are going on vacation in a little over a week so I am looking forward to that,

  2. Peggy Nunn says

    We went to church and then the family gathered at my sister’s house for lunch. It was so nice seeing everyone and just visiting.

  3. Hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  4. Happy Easter to you too, Shelly! We had a large family dinner tonight and it has been a beautiful day. So much to be thankful for.

  5. I too love Easter and its true meaning and it is very important to me. The sun is shinning here and it is a glorious day. We will have a big Easter dinner tonight so I am super busy in the kitchen today. Hope you have a wonderful day and God Bless.