DIY Seashell Plant Picks and Garden Markers

DIY Seashell Plant Picks and Garden MarkersA few months ago when we were down at the beach house I collected some bay scallop seashells off of the beach. The bay scallops along the Jersey Shore are typically black to dark gray in color. They are great shells to use in a variety of your craft projects. You can leave them natural or paint them in a fun colors.

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For this project you’ll only need a few general craft supplies. Once they’ve been completed you can use them in a ton of different ways. You can use them as plant picks, garden markers, use them decorate a summer theme’d party table and last week I stuck a few into some cupcakes that I made to dress them up.

If you enjoy painting on seashells or crafting with seashells…you’ll find over 70+ seashell craft projects right here on the Two Classy Chics blog! We will be sharing more seashell craft projects in the future too!

DIY Seashell Plant Picks and Garden Markers

Scallop Seashells
Metallic Finish Acrylic Craft Paints
Wooden Skewers or Chopsticks
E6000 Adhesive Glue
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer – Glossy Finish
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels

Wash shells and thoroughly air dry. You need all of the sand and debris off of them. They need to be completely dry before painting them.

You’ll want to apply 2 coats of acrylic craft paint onto each seashell. Let dry. Flip over and paint the other side with 2 coats of paint. Let dry.

Cut your wooden skewers or chopsticks to your desired length. Mine are typically 5-6″ long. Use the E6000 Adhesive Glue to attach the wooden skewer onto the back of the shell. Let dry for 3-4 hours. This type of glue takes awhile to dry but it’s the best adhesive on the market for these type’s of crafts. It gives you a very strong bond.

DIY Seashell Plant Picks and Garden Markers

Take your plant picks outside and lay them down onto an old plastic tablecloth or platemat. Lightly spray them with the clear acrylic sealer. Let dry for 1 hour. Flip them over and spray the other side. Let dry for 1 hour. They’re now done!

I highly recommend that you protect your painted finish with the clear sealer especially if displaying them outside or if you’re poking them into your plants. It will protect the paint from chipping, cracking or the colors from fading.

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