How many of you despise using grocery carts? I hate them and try to avoid using them as much that I can. Why do I hate them? Well, I’m going to tell you! That’s right…time for another “Shelly Vent Post” all about those nasty grocery carts!
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1. I don’t like fighting for a parking spot with a grocery cart! Why can’t people walk them over to the cart return area or back up to the store’s front door? LAZY is all I can say about that!
2. Grocery carts are one of the grossest and germ-filled things on planet earth! They’re big carriers of bacteria and virus’s. I wish stores would spray them down with antiseptic cleaners to help disinfect them. I hate touching them and I certainly hate that the things I’m purchasing are going into that filthy-dirty cart! Ewww!
3. Trash. People are lazy and let all kinds of “trash” items in their carts! Please take your trash along with you…they’re NOT garbage cans!
4. I swear that every time I’m forced to use a grocery cart that the wheels are jacked-up! Why can’t I ever find a cart that rolls correctly? quietly? These days they’re few and far between.
5. Parents…please don’t let your children push the cart through the store! I’m tired of carts ramming me in the back or running over my feet. Be responsible, if your kid can’t push the cart as good as an adult (or better), then they shouldn’t be doing it.
6. Accidents waiting to happen. When I used to work in the ER we used to see children on a weekly basis for grocery cart accidents. What do I mean? Young kids falling out of carts or carts running over their feet and causing foot injuries. Which reminds me…NEVER LEAVE YOUR CHILDREN UNATTENDED IN A CART!!!
7. Time for a new design! Grocery carts look the same today as they did 40 years ago. They need to be redesigned for proper posture (handles up higher) and for ease-of-use. We need a new design for modern times! We’re all using carts that are decades, upon decades old.
Well, there are 7 of my personal pet peeves when it comes to grocery carts. How do you feel about them? Got any pet peeves to add to the list?
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I am glad that Wegmans has antiseptic wipes to use to wipe down grocery carts. I use them every time, even if I m not there with a child.
I though I was the only one that always seems to get the cart where the wheels stick and squeaks loudly. I always use antiseptic wipes before using the cart.
You are a lady after my heart. I hate them. Luckily my husband goes shopping with me and he pushes the cart. I always wipe the handle off for him. He will try every cart in the row until he finds one that will roll properly. Your post should be sent to every store manager.
Preach On Sister! I so so so hate grocery carts too. I wipe them down like a doctor each and every time I use them. One lady saw my wiping my cart down like a psycho and told me that her sister caught pink eye from a grocery cart that story sticks in my head. Just yesterday,I got a cart that had a jacked up wheel and it pissed me off the entire time I was in the store but it was the only one up front. You are so right about them never spraying them down with some serious disinfectant. I would love to dump a gallon of bleach on the cart before I put my groceries in them. You also have to be care not to get a cart that some A-Hole used to return their sticky pop cans to the store in that really sends me blazing over edge if I get one of those. I do like to get a cart if I go into the grocery store because I like to put it behind me in the check out line so the person standing next in line is not standing one inch from me and coughing on me that really pisses me off so I do like to have a cart to keep the coughers away from me. I see idiots all the time with their little kids jumping around in the cart just an accident waiting to happen. I am always on the defense while in the store so that no one runs into my back or over my feet that just would be an ugly scene lol!!! OH how I love your rants they always make me feel better and they make me smile so thank you again.
LOL I’m happy to hear that someone else feels the same way that I do! I decided to bring back Shelly’s vents & pet peeves and will be doing them at least once a month. I’m already working on one for early May and its a good one too!
I so can not wait to read your next one. This cart one got me pretty fired up. I saw all the type-o’s after I hit enter. I so love reading your rants they seriously relieve stress and it’s nice to know that others feel the same way I do trying to make our way in this crazy *** world. God Bless.