Kid’s Crafts: Painted Sports Ball Themed River Rocks

Kid's Crafts: Painted Sports Ball Themed River RocksChildren love to play various sports and will often try out several different type’s of athletic sports until they settle on their favorite. Our granddaughter enjoys playing soccer and golf, while my grandson enjoys baseball and basketball.

Today’s kid’s craft project is for children who enjoy watching and/or playing football and baseball. This project is very easy-to-do and costs less than $1.00 to make. You basically need to supply acrylic craft paint and a paint brush. You can find the smooth river rocks down by a river, lake, stream or along the ocean for free.

Kid’s Crafts: Painted Sports Ball Themed River Rocks

Smooth River Rocks (one oval and one round)
Acrylic Craft Paint (dark brown, white, red)
Black Sharpie Marker
Paint Brush, Water dish, Paper Towels
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer (glossy finish)

Kid's Crafts: Painted Sports Ball Themed River Rocks

Football: base coat the oval-shaped river rock with 2 coats of dark brown acrylic paint and let dry. Use the black Sharpie Marker to draw a dotted line down the center of your football, running horizontally. Let dry for 5-10 minutes. Use the white acrylic craft paint to draw on an arch-shaped border on each side of the oval to form the football’s striped pattern. Use that same paint to make white slashes in the center to form the laces. Let dry.

Kid's Crafts: Painted Sports Ball Themed River Rocks

Baseball: base coat the round-shaped river rock with 2 coats of white acrylic paint and let dry. Use the red acrylic paint to draw on the 2 arch-shaped borders on each side of your “ball” and then use that same color to make the slashes that form the lacing of the baseball. See photo for placement. Let dry.

Once both of your new balls are dry you’ll want to take them outside and lay them down on newspaper. Have an adult spray them lightly with a coat of the clear acrylic spray sealer. Let dry for an hour.

Notes: The football painted rock was made by a 9 year old and the baseball painted rock was made by a 7 year old. As you can see, kids of this age are quite capable of making this craft project. If you’re going to be using them indoors, one coat is enough. If you’re going to be displaying them outdoor’s in your garden or yard, give them 2 complete coats of the clear acrylic spray sealer. I think both kids did a great job!

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