The Girl Scouts Teach Young Girls Valuable Life Skills

I love the Girl Scouts and everything that it stands for. My mother was a scout back in the 1970’s and when I came along, she enrolled me into the Girl Scouts program too! I completed my first year while attending Kindergarten in school and then completed an additional 12 years, for a total of 13 years in the scouting program.

During those 13 years the Girl Scouts taught me many things! We learned how to cook basic foods, how to bake cookies & brownies, how to do sewing, crafting, basic home cleaning tasks, etc.

The Girl Scouts Brownie Program

We enjoyed going camping, hiking and participating in various physical fitness activities. Two of my most fondest camping memories were during my teenage years when our entire troop went camping down at the Jersey Shore.

I learned that it was important to give back to my community and to help those in need. Several times every year our troop went out into the community and volunteered at local churches, food banks, senior centers, nursing homes and veteran centers.

Throughout those 13 years I made many friends and to this day, I’m still friends with many of the girls from my troop. Two of those girls were bridesmaids in my wedding a few years ago. I’m thankful for their friendship and I would of never met them if it wasn’t for the Girl Scouts!

Now that I’m a mother my own daughter is in the Girl Scouts program. She just completed her 4th year in the scouting program. So far, she’s completed 2 years as a Daisy Scout and 2 years as a Brownie Scout. Earlier this month we attended her year-end ceremony where she graduated from Brownies and has now bridged up to a Junior Scout. I’m so proud that she’s following in mommy’s footsteps!

How many of you participated in the GS Program? For those of you who have children and/or grandchildren are they participating in a scouting program? Girl Scouts was a very positive experience in my life and I’m really happy that my daughter has taken a big interest in it too!

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