3 Easy Ways to Keep Your Car Floor Mats in Place
Lucky for you if you haven’t experienced your car’s floor mats flapping down, bunching up, or moving around. It isn’t just the aesthetics or function determining why floor mats are and should snugly fit your car’s carpeting/flooring. Safety dictates that these ought to remain in place to avoid personal injuries or road crashes that can be prevented.
Your car floor mats shouldn’t be a tough matter to handle. Here are three easy ways to securely hold them down and keep you, your family, and your car protected at all times.
The Purpose and Rightful Place of Car Floor Mats
Your car’s carpeting is its first line of defense from any and all substances that can get into it, dust, food particles, coffee spillage, as well as all kinds of weather. Deep-cleaning carpets can be a costly and time-consulting business, so you turn to floor mats for preventive maintenance.
Car floor mats do the work of catching all things harmful before they can land on your precious carpet. Of course, they ought to stay in place because, if they move or slip, serious issues can arise. Someone can trip or fall getting in and out of the car. Floor mats can also get in the way of the pedals to cause an accident.
Your job is thus to keep your floor mats secure with the help of these tips.
Make Your Own Floor Mats
One of the best ways to ensure your car floor mats fit your car’s flooring is by making them yourself. If you are up for it, there are online tutorials on how to design, cut, measure, and bind your mats using materials that can be bought from stores.
For instance, you can glue antislip appliqués commonly used in bathroom mats at the back of the floor mats to keep them from slipping or moving.
Use Floor Mat Fasteners
They come in a variety of forms with the main purpose to secure your floor mats. They may or may not work with your car as some are made especially for a certain brand, so shop around before buying a set.
For instance, some floor fasteners require holes to be drilled on both the carpet and the mats to screw them in place. Another type of clips removes the need to drill as the installation can be done in a snap.
Attach Velcro to Floor Mats
Velcro has been one of the oldest tricks in the book to keep your car’s floor mats from shifting. Not all Velcro fasteners are created equal, so pick the ones that are strong enough to hold down the car mat in place.
First off, clean and dry both surfaces, the backside of the floor mats and the carpet. Then use a double-sided carpet tape or superglue to attach the strips. You may opt to sew the strip to keep it on the carpet. There are also some Velcro pads with a sticky side, so you only need to peel it off and stick it on the surface.
Floor Mat Matters
The design and fit of your floor mats affect their performance down the road. To do it right the first time and avoid the unnecessary expense of buying mats that fit, WeatherTech nonslip floor mats come in handy. They offer the protection needed for your floor from anything that tries to mess with it. More importantly, these mats come in custom-fit, so they stay right where they should be.