Kid’s Crafts: Paper Plate Circus Clown and Popcorn Box

Preschool Crafts: Paper Plate Circus ClownHave you seen all of those fun paper plate preschool craft projects over on Pinterest? Well, we have one for you today too! We made these adorable Circus Clowns and Popcorn Boxes to teach a group of 2 to 5 year old’s about the Circus which is coming to town later next month.

Preschool Crafts: Paper Plate Circus Clown

White Paper Plates
Pack of Construction Paper
Large Pom-Poms
Large (quarter-size) Wiggle Eyes
Glue Stick for Paper Crafts
Black Marker

We had an adult make 3 of these up ahead of time so that the kids could see finished examples. We didn’t use templates, we had them free-hand the designs and shapes onto construction paper. This allows them to be creative and each clown will look a bit different.

On our example shown above the clown has 2 paper hair pieces done in orange construction paper, a mouth from red and the clown’s mask is done in royal blue. For the hair shape we had each child drawn a scallop edge oblong circle onto construction paper and cut it out. You’ll need two of these, so flip one over to the reverse side when gluing it onto his face. That way you’ll have a left and a right.

For the mouth we asked them to draw a hotdog or sausage shape onto red paper. Cut it out and that is what they used for his mouth. Don’t forget to let them use a black marker to draw on the smile. For the face paint mask shape, we ask them to draw a triangular-shape onto paper and then when cutting it out to make some odd-shaped scallops along the one edge of the triangle. We had an adult doing each step with them and they followed along. This will be glued down onto his face and over-lapping his hair. To finish up…have them add the wiggle eyes and the pom-pom onto one cheek.

Preschool Crafts: Popcorn Box Refrigerator Art

Preschool Crafts: Popcorn Box Refrigerator Art

Construction Paper
Glue Stick (made for paper)
White Cotton Balls
Mustard Color Acrylic Craft Paint
Cotton Swabs, Q-Tips

We used lime green 8″ by 11″ sheet of construction paper for our background. Other colors can be used.

To make the popcorn box we had the kids draw a large triangle shape onto red construction paper and cut it out. Once they had it cut out, we had them chop off the pointy end. Flip the triangle upside down and you now have a popcorn box shape. From white paper we had them cut 1/2″ wide strips and then glue those onto their popcorn box and trim off the over-lapping edges. This is to represent the stripes. Glue onto your background sheet of paper.

The faux popcorn is made out of white cotton balls. Have them glue them onto their paper with a few over-lapping the rim of their popcorn box. We gave each child 12 cotton balls to use. Squirt the mustard colored acrylic craft paint onto a plastic margarine lid or paper plate. Let them dip a cotton swab into the paint and drizzle the paint on top of their cotton balls to resemble melted butter. Let dry for about 30 minutes. Easy and fun!

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