Remembering the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident
Back when I was 12 years old I remember my family freaking out over the Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident. At the time we lived about 30 minutes from the nuclear plant and the state had ordered a voluntary emergency evacuation. We had 2 hours to pack our bags and get out of the area.
My mom was a single mother raising 2 children and I remember how devastated she was that we had to flee the area. We ended up jumping into the old car and heading about 3 hours northwest to my aunt’s house where we spent the following 3 weeks before returning home.
As a young child I remember all of this in pretty good detail. I remember being happy that we wouldn’t be going to school for 3 weeks & that we were spending time with my aunt, but sad that we weren’t in our own home. I remember my mother being really stressed out about the situation and she worried about what she would do if we could never go home.
Several months ago we took a jaunt down memory lane and drove down to TMI (Three Mile Island) to take a few photos of what it looks like today. There were 2 nuclear reactors in operation back in 1979, but after the accident they completely closed down TMI Reactor Unit #2. The only one that operates today is TMI Reactor Unit #1, but from what I saw on the news…they plan on completely shutting down that one before the year 2019. Glad to hear that.
In today’s post we’re featuring 3 photos that I took during our trip down memory lane. The first photo shows Reactor #1 (currently operating), the second photo shows the official Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island historical marker and the third photo shows the closed Reactor #2.
The Three Mile Island Nuclear Accident was a scary time for residents who lived in the Middletown and Harrisburg areas in Pennsylvania. I hope it’s an experience that none of us have to go through again!
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