Mailbox Monday for October 2018

Mailbox MondayTime for our monthly MAILBOX MONDAY for October! The first Monday of every month you’ll see our Mailbox Monday Meme. It will cover the previous month and we invite all of our readers to participate. If you’re a blogger, you can participate too by sharing our MEME on your blog.

The Mailbox Monday Meme is about celebrating all of those fun things we get in our mailbox every month! These items can be giveaways/contest prizes that you won, freebie samples you snagged from the internet, gifts you received from loved ones, etc. What doesn’t it include? Yucky bills and nasty spam mail. Nope, NONE!

Strada Women's Silver Watch

I had a really good mailbox delivery last month! Over on Instagram my husband won for me this beautiful bangle watch! I know a lot of ladies have quit wearing watches due to having cellphones, but I still love collecting them and wearing them. I really like the sleek look of this one for sure!!! From a giveaway over on Twitter I won this beautiful black spinel women’s buckle ring. I collect buckle-style rings and probably own around 2 dozen of them. I worked hard in that Twitter giveaway and won the ring! A beautiful addition to my buckle ring collection. From a blog giveaway we won 2 coupons to pick up some artisan cheese at our local grocery store. YUM, I love cheese!

Black Spinel Women's Buckle Ring

So, ladies and gentlemen…what kind of fun things did you received in your mailbox last month? Now is your time to brag all about it!!!

Shelly's Signature