Two Classy Chics – Week in Review August 3rd

sunshine - Two Classy ChicsToday is August 3rd, 2018. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!

Quote of the Week: Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. — Chinese Proverb


Gluten-Free Muffins by Garden Lites
Crafting with Wooden Crates & Pallets Book
Arthur: D.W. and the Beastly Birthday DVD
Avengers Infinity War
Carbona Washing Machine Cleaner


The Best Wedding Gift Ideas for Newlyweds
The Anti-Cook Book
Swagbucks Team Challenge Promo

General Posts, Recipes, Crafts and More:

Chocolate Stuffed Apples Recipe
Craft Project: Seashell Crabs Yard Art
Raspberry Rose Water Refrigerator Jam Recipe
Tips on How to Easily Clean a Birdhouse
13 Money-Savings Ways to Clean Your Home
Pineapple Sweet Bread Recipe
Travel: The Historic Martin Castle in Kentucky
Home Canning: How to Can Fresh Plums

Just giving you all a brief update. My mom had to have corrective knee surgery done on Monday and is home now and doing okay. She’s in pain and has a recovery process to go through. Over the next 2 weeks you might see a slower volume here on the blog until we get back onto our normal schedule.  In addition to her surgery, my grandmother (Shelly’s mom) had surgery early this morning. We would appreciate your prayers. Thank you for your patience!