Sip, Sip Hooray! Remove Sulfites in Wine with Just the Wine

I love to get together with my girlfriends and enjoy a few glasses of wine. What I don’t enjoy? Watching one particular friend stress about drinking more than a glass of wine as she’s found the sulfites make her feel terrible. I recently learned about a new product that will have her enjoying her Wine Wednesdays worry-free from now on. Just the Wine is ideal for wine lovers that have experienced sulfite sensitivities such as hives, itchy skin, stomach upset and a whopper of a headache. With just a few drops of Just the Wine, these sulfites can be reduced easily and quickly.

Remove Sulfites In Wine with Just the Wine

* Complimentary Product Received for Review.

If you aren’t familiar with sulfites, here’s a little “Sulfite 101” for you. Sulfites are a necessary part of wine making as they act as an anti-microbial and preservative for bottling and storing wine. Many red wines produce sulfites naturally. White wines will typically require more sulfites to be added compared to red wines because of this natural process. Winemakers add sulfites during the winemaking process; then adjust the sulfite levels to meet their specific requirements and formulations.

There are two types of sulfites in wine: “bound” sulfites and “free” sulfites. Bound sulfites have molecularly bound themselves to other compounds in the wine. Free sulfites are of concern, as these free sulfites affect people with sulfite sensitivities. The FDA estimates that over 3 million people have sulfite sensitivities and many of these people just give up drinking wine. With Just the Wine, these people can sip, swirl and savor wine again. Cheers to that!

Remove Sulfites In Wine with Just the Wine

Here’s how it works its magic. Just the Wine uses a method that is similar to the winemaking process to adjust the levels of free sulfites to the desired concentration. Just the Wine drops combine with the free sulfites. Once bound, both the free sulfites and the drops become neutral. Don’t worry—you can’t taste the drops and the wine’s natural flavor is unaffected. The only time you will be able to taste the Just the Wine drops, is when all free sulfites have been neutralized and the drops are in excess.

Here’s the best way to use Just the Wine:

• Add 3 Drops of Just the Wine into a glass of wine. Swirl for 20 seconds and enjoy! (Standard 6 oz. serving.)
• Add 13 Drops of Just the Wine into a bottle of wine. Re-cork, turn bottle upside-down several times to mix. Serve. (750ml bottle.)

Let’s raise our glasses—specifically our wine glasses—to this new and innovative product that is helping so many people enjoy wine again. Just the Wine is available on the Just the Wine website for $5.95 a bottle. You can join the company over on Facebook for up-to-date product information, promotions and company news.


Disclaimer: Kristine has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for her review. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.