Shelly’s Gripe: Confusing Price Tags on Store Shelves
Every once in awhile I just have to vent and gripe here on the TwoClassyChics blog and today is one of those days! How many of you get really frustrated when you’re out shopping at a store and come across a slew of confusing price tags on products you’re interested in buying? Worse yet, no price tags on the item at all?
Well, I was out shopping a few days ago and wanted to replace some of the spices in my pantry cabinet. I had heard that such and such store was having a sale on them, so I headed there first. Once I got there, well…I was frustrated within 5 minutes because they had confusing price tags slapped all over the shelves.
Seriously, take a look at my photograph below. What the heck is that mess? All of those spices are made by the same company and in the same size bottle. Some have tags slapped in front of them that say 3 for $3.00 and some that are on clearance for 75% off.
The problem? They’re all mixed together and none are in the proper place on the shelf in front of the proper tags! Why not put all of the 3 for $3.00 ones side by side and the ones that are on clearance for 75% off together? Why have them mixed up? My photo ONLY shows about 40% of that shelf and it got worse as I went along.
I decided to purchase NONE of them as I wasn’t going to chase down a store manager to get the situation straightened out. I then moved through the store until I came across the heating pad section. I needed a new one, so I was browsing the 4 different models that they had sitting on the shelf. Guess what? NONE of them had a price tag on them or on the front of the shelf. NONE. Whatever. I left the store in complete frustration and went to another store who got my business.
How many of you get frustrated with these type’s of situations? If a store wants my business, they need to do better than that!!! I will NOT chase down store managers or clerks for price checks unless it’s an item that I absolutely need. If a store can’t make shopping easy, I will leave and move onto the next store. Period.