BEST Things About Summer – Hometown Carnivals

Riding Rides - Dauphin Carnival in PennsylvaniaWhen I was growing up…I always looked forward to the small hometown carnivals that popped up around our area during the summertime. We could count on at least 6 of them during the months of June, July and August. Nothing says summer like sno-cones, cotton candy, funnel cakes, and carnival rides!

Now that we’re grandparents of two darling grandchildren…we’re taking the time to expose our young grandchildren to things around our area that spell out SUMMERTIME and SUMMER FUN! Plus, we get to have some fun with them too!

Dauphin Carnival in Pennsylvania

There is one carnival across the river- The Marysville Carnival that is one of the best in our area. I remember visiting the MC during my teenage years and now I get to experience it all over again. Not only is it the best one in our area, but it’s the biggest one too!

There are smaller ones that pop up in Harrisburg (in Colonial Park), in Dauphin, Newport and other areas too. They are okay…but definitely not as big or as nice as the one in Marysville.

Dauphin Carnival in Pennsylvania

When we go, I don’t get on any rides due to my health problems, so hubby is always the elected adult to get on the rides along with the kids. Luckily for him, he loves amusement park rides and is a big fan of them. The kids are at 2 different ages, so Little Prince gets on the kiddie rides while the Princess gets on most of the teenager and adult rides.

Carnival food is always plentiful at these fairs and events. You’ll enjoy hot dogs, chili dogs, corn dogs, burgers, French fries, cotton candy, funnel cakes, sno-cones, soft pretzels and other goodies that you typically find there. The kids are big fans of root beer, blueberry and/or cotton candy flavored sno-cones!

Do you take the time out during the summertime to visit any of your local small hometown carnivals? Do you ever go to your state’s State Fair? If so, what kind of rides, games and/or food do you enjoy while there?

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