5 Best Yoga Exercises for Burning Belly Fat
Unlike other body fats, belly fats can be very stubborn and frustrating. No matter how hard you try to diet and work out, there is always that portion of fats that still holds on. It can be irritating and what’s even worse? It makes you lose your self-esteem. It hurts when you cannot put on fitting clothes or tack-in your favorite shirt and pants without the belly protruding. Luckily, your hope does not end there. Most yoga exercises are very useful in burning these fasts, and some of the best yoga workouts include;
The chair pose
This is an ideal pose to help you lose weight. Stand on a work out mat, then bed your feet simultaneously, placing your hands up or in front. The posture helps in strengthening your hands and feet muscles as well as stimulating your heart to beat faster which is useful for burning fats. It helps in toning and strengthening the diaphragm and abdominal muscles.
Dhanurasana or the bow posture
This workout strengthens and tightens your abs which is essential for eliminating belly fat. It entails rocking back and forth which stimulates your digestive system and minimizes constipation. You are supposed to lie on your stomach and stretch your legs out, placing your hands on the sides of the body. Bend on your knees and then try reaching your arms back to the feet and hold. Lift your head and then bend it as you lift your legs as high as possible and remember, you still have your hands on the legs. Try to remain in that pose for about 30 seconds as you breathe normally and then move back to your normal position. You can repeat this for about five times until you tire yourself.
The pontoon posture
This is ideal for burning weight along the waist and strengthening the legs and back muscles. The pose entails lying on your back and stretching your legs out while together and your arms on the side. Raise your legs and keep them straight. Stretch the feet and toes so that you can raise your legs as high as possible and do not bend the knees. Stretch your arms to reach your feet to make a 45 degree and hold this pose for about 25 to 30 seconds. Release and redo this until you tire your body.
Cow or cat pose
This exercise includes the contraction of the abdominal muscles thus burning the fats which reduce the tummy size. It is also ideal for enhancing the flexibility of the spine. To do it, sit on your heels and then move your body parallel to the floor until your body rests on your palms and knees. The knees should be under your hips while the palms should be beneath your shoulders as you face the floor. Space out the knees and expand the abdominal region allowing you to suck in a maximum amount of air. Lower your head and arch your back upwards keeping your butt and abdomen firm for maximum contraction. Your head should remain between your hands. Remain on the pose for about 30 seconds. Release and repeat the process until tired.
The wind easing posture
The workout helps in toning the back, thighs and hips. It also enhances metabolism which is suitable for burning belly fat. The exercise includes lying flat on your back; stretch your legs out, and arms stretched on the sides. Stretch your legs out with the heels touching each other. Bend the knees and bring them towards the chest applying pressure on the abdominals with your thighs. Your hands should be passing under you the thighs holding the knees. Exhale and release your knees and redo this pose until you are tired.
Belly fats are the first sign of unhealthy living. You need to follow some tips for losing weight to help you get rid of the stubborn fats. It is time to get up and try out the mentioned yoga exercises and get your shape back.