Sneak Peek at Shelly’s Flower Gardens
If you’ve been following this blog over the past 9 years, you’ll already know that I love gardening. I have 6 flower gardens (gardening beds) outside and inside my home I grow a lot of indoor plants. I admit, I’m no expert in the field of gardening, but I sure do enjoy it. Some things I can grow extremely well and other things…not so much!
In addition to our flower gardens we have a medium-sized veggie garden in our backyard, a raspberry patch, 3 blueberry bushes and a small strawberry patch. We’re hoping to grow our “fruit gardens” on a yearly basis.
Anyway, I wanted to give you a sneak peek into some of my flower gardens. It’s early in the season, so as the season goes along, they’ll get bigger, fuller and more colorful. This year my spring flowers started popping out of the ground in mid-March and since I use Miracle-Gro, they all get a head start in their growing season.
In the second photograph above you’ll see the flower bed that sits in front of our large front porch. This one looks pretty similar year after year. We have an old birdbath sitting in the center that is filled with purple & yellow pansies, along with an Angel solar garden light. In the flower bed itself you’ll see a lot of different hosta plants, ornamental sea grass, a bleeding heart (front left side), orange, pink and red firecrackers, etc. Mixed in are some small solar lights, an art glass seabird figure, my red crab with life preserver ring, a frog statue and some turtle figures. My large white hydrangea bush sits to the side with my beach themed house flag hanging above.
On my smaller front porch by our official front door I have a new display that I’m currently working on. I have a large flower planter (urn) on each side of the front door and filled them with a mixed variety of wildflowers. We then added in some smaller garden fairy figures and some of my granddaughter’s hand-painted river rocks and seashells. I’m hoping this mixture of flowers will do better than the variety that we used last year which needed to be watered constantly.
My husband is currently sanding and repainting my white wooden bench that I also keep on that smaller front porch. It’s getting a little bit of a makeover. Once it’s done, I will sit some of my flower pots on it with some of my antique gardening tools. I’ll show you a photo of that once it’s done.
I have a small flower bed on the front side of the house which I just started this year. We have 2 red & pink bleeding heart bushes, some daffodils, tulips and bearded iris in that particular bed. I then added a beautiful hanging solar lantern to light it up at night. I love the beachy/coastal turquoise color!!!
Last year I shared on the blog how I made a flower planter out of an old metal watering can. You can re-visit that blog post to learn more about it. During the winter season I bring in all of my flower planters and house them in my sun room. It’s warm in there with plenty of sunlight. It keeps them safe (along with my watering) for the winter season and then I bring them back outside in late spring. Of course, I spruced mine up with a beach & coastal design with real seashells! I like seeing these type’s of planters sitting on a front porch or lining a walkway. Cute! Oh and that butterfly, you can find them at your local Dollar-type of store. (hint).
I love to see people decorate their front porch and/or back decks if they have them. I will have to take a few photographs next week to show you how I have both of my front porches decorated and my back deck. Just waiting for my husband to finish up a few new things that he’s working on and then I’ll give you a peek.
That large seashell windchime that you see above is hanging on the larger front porch and was a birthday gift to me 2 years ago from my hubby. I had wanted one of those type’s of windchimes for a long time but they’re pricey. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE that windchime! I actually have 5 wind chimes hanging outside in various places.
In 3 weeks or so I’ll take some additional photos to show you some of our other flower gardens and yard art that we have on our property. How many of you enjoy flower gardening?
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