Reserved Parking for the Handicap – Get Out of My Space!

How many of you get frustrated when you see signs that say “Reserved Parking for the Handicap” and then see all kinds of non-handicapped people using those parking spaces? I know…I’m extremely frustrated about it!

For those of you who don’t know…I became legally handicapped 4 years ago. I carry around my handicap card and we have a highly visible handicap plaque on our car. Due to my chronic health problems and pain, I can’t walk a mile to get where I’m going.

As a handicapped person I’m really frustrated with the amount of people I see using those spaces who don’t need them. I mean seriously? I don’t care if you’re only running in to pick up a gallon of milk. I don’t care that you’re only going to be 4-5 minutes in the store. I really DON’T CARE! Stop with the laziness and stop with the excuses!

Reserved Parking for the Handicap Sign

Those clearly marked parking spaces are for the disabled/handicapped people who genuinely need them! For those of you who use them and are NOT disabled, shame on you! Shame on you for being lazy and so dang self-centered. Really, SHAME ON YOU!!!

What has me all wound up is that at a local pharmacy they have 7 clearly marked spaces and every time I go to the pharmacy those spaces are taken up by people who don’t need them. They have no handicap stickers on their vehicles or license plates. NONE. When you ask them about this…they state they’ll only be a few minutes or that they have a sick so-so at home and need to get back. Whatever. If you do NOT have the identifying info on you or your vehicle, you shouldn’t be parking there!

Last week I went down to Walmart and guess what? They have a slew of handicap marked spots and all of them were taken. Almost all of the vehicles in those spots had NO plaques, stickers or plates on their vehicles! What the heck? We had to park several aisles away and on the way into the store I brought this up to 2 security guards who were standing out front. One of them got cocky with me and said…”So what? What do you want us to do about it?” Are you kidding me?????

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Why aren’t these store managers reporting this fraud to the police? To store security guards? Why is this problem being ignored? Oh and don’t get me started on the police…you call them and well…they’re too busy to come out to deal with it. So, why in the heck even put on those signs that there are fines and legal penalties for people who use/abuse these parking spaces if you’re not going to enforce the law?

For those of you who park in these spaces and who are NOT legally declared to be disabled/handicap…SHAME ON YOU! Stop being lazy, stop being self-centered and park in the spots for regular people!!! #JustSaying #Vent

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