Early Spring Sunsets in Pennsylvania

Colorful Sunset in PennsylvaniaWe’re finally into Spring and I’m really looking forward to being outside in the fresh air and warmer temperatures as Spring sets in. A few days ago we decided to go out and take a walk around the neighborhood just as the sun was starting to set.

We live in the suburbs, so often times we don’t get to see colorful sunsets until we leave the city limits. Some of the best sunsets (in my honest opinion) are when you leave the city and head up into the mountains. Last year we saw some gorgeous ones while we were vacationing up in the Pocono Mountains.

Colorful Sunset in Pennsylvania

Anyway…during our walk the other night the sky turned a beautiful color just as the sun was beginning to set. Gorgeous shades of red, coral, pink, orange, yellow and blue/purple. It was fantastic! A nice reminder that winter is OVER (finally) and spring has arrived!

This sunset really got some attention. As we were walking along, all of our neighbors came outside to see it too. It was a beautiful sight! So, today I just wanted to share two photographs of that lovely sunset with all of you.

Do you enjoy watching sunrises and/or sunsets? If so, do you prefer one over the other?

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