DIY Coastal Beach Craft Project – Repainting Picture Frames
I decorate my entire home in a beach and coastal theme. Well, that’s a lie…all of my home EXCEPT for husband’s man cave down in our basement! If you love the coastal and beach life, you already know that finding items and decorating your home with them can be expensive, especially around here.
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A few weeks ago I was out shopping and spotted 2 framed beach prints on clearance for $1.00 each. I loved the prints, but hated the plastic black frames that surrounded them. I decided to purchase them and to paint their frames in a color that looked more modern and elegant. I then headed to the local craft store and picked up a bottle of metallic aqua acrylic paint ($2.00) and went home to get busy.
The first thing that you’ll want to do is to remove your print entirely from the frame. I had to use a small screw driver to pop the back off and to remove it and the glass that covered it. I could of purchased a can of spray paint and just covered the plastic frames that way…but I couldn’t find a color that I liked. Hence, I went with the metallic acrylic paint that I found at the craft store.
Since I was painting a plastic frame, I knew I would need to add at least two coats of paint to entire cover up the black color. In addition, I didn’t want paintbrush strokes, so I opted to use a foam brush which worked out perfectly. I recommend covering your work surface with an old plastic tablecloth, placemat, old plastic shower curtain or a big sheet of aluminum foil. Don’t use newspaper, as you don’t want your newly & wet painted item sticking to it.
To get good coverage, I had to use 2 coats of acrylic paint and allowed each coat to dry for about an hour before applying the second coat. I then left the frames dry overnight. While they’re drying, give your glass panel a good cleaning, so that it’s sparkling clean before assembling them back together. Make sure the glass is completely dry!!!
I assembled them back together and glued the cardboard panel on the back to the frame using a little bit of hot glue. I wanted to make sure that everything was firmly back into place. They were new ready for hanging!
Last summer my husband added a new addition to our home…a small Florida-style sun room which is currently being decorated in a relaxing beach-style. I had him hang them up as a pair and slightly staggered onto the wall. I tried to get a photo of them on the wall but the sunlight coming in from the window straight across from them was driving my camera nuts! So, I took them down, laid them on a shelf for picture-taking purposes. You get the idea!
The entire point of my post today – If you’re out shopping for new or gently-used wall art and come across wall prints that you love, but hate the frames…don’t be afraid to tear them apart and re-paint them in a color that works with your decor!
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