Shelly’s Total Left Knee Replacement

1314903_medical_doctor 5 years ago I underwent a total right hip replacement at the ripe age of 45. The surgery went fairly well, but the recovery period was a pure nightmare! I had a lot of pain for about 8 weeks, had to use a walker to walk for almost 2 months and then used a cane for an additional 4 weeks before I could walk on my own. The first 3-4 weeks after surgery were the absolute worse in regards to the pain and the pain NOT being controlled.

After I got through the first 4 months things got a lot better with me walking on my own and being independent once again. The best part was that I was finally pain free in that hip after suffering for almost 2 years and with limited mobility. Which brings me to today.

The end of January hubby and I took off for a weekend getaway to the western part of the state. On the way back my left knee started to throb and swelled up. By the time we reached our home 5 hours later…I had to go to the ER due to the pain. After spending 10 hours at the ER and with basic X-rays I was told my knee was inflamed, prescribed steroids and pain pills. Five days went by and I could barely walk with my knee getting more painful and growing bigger.

I made an appointment with my specialist who ordered some additional x-rays and ultrasounds of the knee. They were looking for a blood clot (I had just been traveling) and/or some type of fracture. The tests showed a lot of swelling and edema but she wasn’t sure what was causing it.

Doc referred me back to my orthopedic surgeon who replaced my right hip. He told me that it look a lot like my right hip aka a necrotic joint (blood supply stops and the bone/joint dies), but ordered an MRI to be sure. A few days later I had the MRI and a few days after that…my follow-up appointment. Well, I got bad news. My left knee is indeed necrotic and is worse than what my hip was when I had that replaced. Ugh.

On Tuesday I will be undergoing major surgery to have my second major joint replacement and will be getting a total left knee replacement done. I’m not looking forward to it as I know what type of post-surgical pain that is coming and he has already warned me that knees are a LOT worse to recover from than a hip. Plus, I have other health problems, so we’re sure it will be a bumpy & complicated road.

Starting on Tuesday and for the next 2 weeks all posts on the TCC blog are pre-written and will auto-publish. There will be reviews, giveaways, craft projects, cleaning tips, recipes, etc. Just like always. The ONLY difference will be the following:

Winners won’t be contacted immediately after the giveaway has closed. It will take a few days for winner’s to be notified and followed-up on.

We won’t be making any social media updates on Facebook or Pinterest of new posts, reviews & giveaways on a daily basis. It will be done every few days, as I feel up to doing it.

Finally, I won’t be answering email on a daily basis. Again, it will be every couple of days over the next 2 to 3 weeks.

The other writers & staff will be around and will help when they can, but they’re also busy and lead other lives. I’m asking you all to check in on the blog on a daily basis, instead of watching social media for new updates. In addition, please be patient on winners be contacted and emails being responded to.

Other than that, prayers and good vibes would be appreciated. Thanks!

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