Beautiful Springtime Sunsets in Pennsylvania

Beautiful Springtime Sunsets in PennsylvaniaWell, we all got through another long winter season and springtime is finally here. On the first official day of winter…I always start counting down the days until the official start of spring. I hate winter…enough said.

During the springtime I enjoy having my windows thrown open, smelling fresh air, seeing my spring flowers blooming, hearing the birds chirping, gaining more daylight hours, the pretty sunrises and of course…some of the BEST sunsets are during the spring season!

My favorite season of the year is summer (I’m a beach and water gal), so when spring arrives…I know that summer is just around the corner. Which season of the year is your favorite and why?

Beautiful Springtime Sunsets in Pennsylvania

It’s been awhile since I’ve done an “almost” Wordless Wednesday post, so today I’ve decided to do one. Both of the photographs today show a beautiful sunset that my husband and watched a few days ago. The sky was lit up in pretty shades of red, orange, yellow, purple and bright pink. I love watching sunrises and sunsets!

Now that spring is here…I would like to hear about some of the things that you like about the spring season or things you enjoy doing during this time of the year!

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