6 Common Myths About Solar Hot Water Systems

6 Common Myths About Solar Hot Water SystemsMisinformation and objections are bound to arise anytime a new technology is created and presented to the society and such is the case for solar hot water system technology. Much has been said about how these new water heating systems work and what they can be able to can do in homes. Though the systems have been around for several year now, there are many myths that people still hold about the technology behind solar hot water systems. To help you understand the facts about solar water systems, we unpack the six common myths that you need not to pay attention to below:

1. Solar heaters can only operate under direct sunlight

This myth has been propagated for a long time because people think that since solar heats use solar energy, they can only work when they are placed under direct sunlight. The reality is that solar hot water systems can work in different environments depending on their customization. They can adjust to different environments depending on changes that are made on the size of panes, type of panels and number of panes that are used to tap sun rays.

2. Solar technology is costly

There is a misconception that solar energy is expensive compared to other energy sources. However, this is not true. In fact, a typical solar system will only cost several thousands of dollars. The federal government has introduced tax incentives to encourage more people to switch to solar and when payment is done upfront, the price of a solar system can drop even further. There are options for financing solar system costs but since they are viewed as low cost systems, you many not succeed in accessing such financing. Lastly, the return on investment for solar systems makes the initial investment appear very cheap in the long run. Within several years, you will be able to recoup your initial investment as all savings made thereafter add to your profits.

3. Solar water heaters are less efficient during winter

Due to the fact that solar heaters are powered by solar energy and there is not much sunlight during winter, this myth is rampant. But the reality is that during the winter season, less insolation occurs. The sun comes out late and sets early such that the temperature of the water that flows from the main heater is lower compared to other months. During this season, the solar water system taps the heat form available sunlight and transmits it to the cold water in an efficient manner, like it does during other seasons. To ensure that your solar system does not fail during the winder system, you need to find and install a reliable solar hot water system. There are consultants who can help you get the best estimates for installing such systems in your home when you decide to change the system you currently have or install a solar system for the first time. There are state, federal and local programs that can lend a hand in helping you find a reliable and affordable solar energy technology in your area. This could the first step in finding a system that will serve you all year round.

6 Common Myths About Solar Hot Water Systems

4. Solar water systems have minimal impact on environment

This myth is common because most people think that due to their need for direct sunlight, installation of solar panels forces people to clear ground cover including trees and other forms of vegetation. But the reality is that water heaters only consume 30% of all the energy used in a home and only come second to HVAC systems when it comes to expenditure relating to energy. As such, solar hot water systems are known to significantly reduce the quantity of energy needed from fossil fuel in homes. This in turn reduces carbon footprint for a business or a home.

5. Solar systems look bad on the roof

Most people tend to think their roofs will look bad with solar panels fixed on them. The reality of the matter is that solar solutions these days come in different configurations. Most of the systems in the market are designed to almost flash and rhyme with your roof so that they are not easy to notice. This means that their appearance looks good, making them good conversation starters about energy effectiveness and cost saving measures compared to conventional energy sources.

6. Solar water heaters cannot be relied upon

There are fears that water heaters that are dependent on solar energy cannot be relied on. The truth of the matter is solar technology has been around for more than four decades now. This is a long time, enough to exhaust all efficiency gains that come with solar systems which means the system is highly efficient. The drain back, unpressurized system that is most popular comes with a single moving part, which is the pump. It also uses failsafe mechanism to operate in the event the pump fails.