Two Classy Chics – Week in Review Jan.19th
Today is Friday, January 19th, 2018. Welcome to the Friday ~ Week in Review post! I will be doing these posts every Friday to update you all on what happened throughout the week, so everyone can get caught up on the things they may of missed!
Quote of the Week: If you don’t think every day is a good day, just try missing one. — Cavett Robert
Pure Lemon Extract from Nielsen-Massey
2-Pack of Women’s Wool Socks
100% Real Cookbook
Illuminated Wall Art from Dianoche Designs
Cooking That Counts Cookbook
Dorcy Pro Series Rechargeable Worklight
Good Earth Tea
Design Originals Creative Coloring Mandalas Book
Cute Engagement Gift for the Bride-to-Be
General Posts, Recipes, Crafts, Articles, etc:
Moroccan Brined Chicken Recipe
Kid’s Crafts – Rocks and Geodes
Kansas City BBQ Bacon Shrimp Recipe
3 Ways to Keep Your Family Safe This Winter
Kid’s Craft Project Easy and Affordable Suncatchers
Breakfast Recipes for Camping
7 Delicious Homemade Pancakes Recipes
Travel – Family Fun at the Pennsylvania Farm Show
Delicious Loaded Potato Skins Recipe
How has the winter weather been where you live? It’s been extremely iffy around here. We went through a 2 week period where it was downright frigid with ice and snow, temps at the high of 22 and as low as -9 with windchills. Then a week later our high’s were near 45 to 50 degrees with rain and now back to the cold temps and ickiness again. Do you enjoy the winter season?