Learn About World War II History at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum
If you’ve been reading this blog for the past few years, you will already know that we enjoy visiting museums, especially if that museum has anything to do with World War II, the Civil War or the Vietnam War. That’s right, we’re big history buffs!
When people think of visiting war and/or military related museums in Pennsylvania, they typically think of all of the ones located in Philadelphia or Gettysburg. However, we have great museums all over our state!
Last summer we visited the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum World War II Weekend which is held every year during the first full weekend in June. The Air Museum is open year-round, but during this special 3-day weekend they show off World War II era planes, military gear, military vehicles, camps, etc.
This yearly event can get extremely crowded to attend, especially on Saturday and Sunday. We always try to go on Friday afternoons where it’s not quite as crowded. Luckily for us, the weather was gorgeous on the day that we were there and we could take our time walking around to see the exhibits, re-enactments, visit the vendors and all of those fun things that they had to offer.
It was our first visit to the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum and certainly our first time attending the World War II Weekend of festivities. We had such a great time, that we’re planning on going again! If you plan on going, it will be held on June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2018. We highly recommend it, especially if your a history and/or military buff!
You’ll find the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum located at the Reading Regional Airport in Reading, Pennsylvania.
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