Top Tips for Bird Watching – What to Look for in Binoculars

Bird watching is a fascinating hobby that is getting more and more popular in many countries all over the world – this hobby assumes observing different species in their natural habitat using a binocular. Such pastime is not only enriching your knowledge but can also be a great way to relax and get away from the loud and crowded city. However, it is not necessary to go to the countryside. You can go to the nearest park. This pastime is ideal for people who are not indifferent to this kind of animals and their interesting lifestyle and in this post, I will tell you about the top seven tips for bird watching that will come in handy!

Top Tips For Bird Watching

Top Tips For Bird Watching!

It does not require much to start observing the birds. However, just like any other activity or hobby, it requires some preparation and tools to make your leisure carefree and more pleasant, and below are the top seven tips for this!

1) Get binoculars.

Before you can start, you will need to find a binocular with a reasonable degree of magnification and light weight. Choose a suitable prism and note the configuration of the strap. Also, don’t forget to calibrate the binoculars before observing the birds.

2) Find a bird identifier that suits your needs and wishes always to have a possibility to identify species that you observe in your binocular.

Some people prefer to carry birds images with them. Others like to have a bird book with detailed illustrations because photos can have poor lighting or other things that will cause confusion. Besides, you should understand that some species are very similar and thus, having some kind of a “birds for dummies” guide will help you to identify which bird you found easily.

3) Start watching early in the morning.

Early morning is the time when the birds are in active search of food, and thus, it is a great time to start observation. Most of the time you will be surrounded by echoes and thrills, without seeing anything, which is why you have to be attentive and pay attention to the movement among the trees and then use binoculars.

4) Identify the species you have seen.

You will find that birds prefer certain habitats. Do not focus only on the peculiarities of coloring because it can make you confused; instead, pay attention to other facts about birds that you have seen, including the shape, size, marks, posture, behavior, etc. Try to notice the distinctive features that are necessarily present in one or another kind, for example, the marks on the wings, the structure of the tail, and other small details.

5) Make and install feeders!

If you install several feeders next to your house, you will be able to conduct observations even without leaving your home, which is a great solution for a bad weather!

Great Tips For Bird Watching

6) Create a list of what you saw with your own eyes.

This list will contain all the species that you saw. You can also add illustrations or photos that you took and separate the list into several sections: species that you saw in the garden, monthly lists, annual lists, local lists, and so on. Record each of the observed species, place, and date where you have found them.

7) Choose the right time.

A guide that you have purchased will help you in this matter; find out what time is the best to observe in your area, what species can be found, and what season of the year is the most pleasant for watching different kinds. Being aware of the perfect timing is important and can be very helpful; for example, in areas with temperate climates, the best time to observe birds is spring and autumn, when they migrate, while in summer or winter it will be difficult to see something.

Why Choose Such Hobby?

Ornithological tourism gives you a high possibility to fill your walks and life with a new meaning, have a rest, and learn something new every day.

Many lovers of such leisure acquire one more hobby along with it – it’s photographing. This can also be interesting and exciting. Looking for some good shots, you will study the art of photography and obtain new skills, if you are too busy you can get someone to write paper. This can later bring you an additional source of income if you learn to do it right!

Great Tips For Bird Watching

Also, this type of outdoor activity can be recommended for joint pastime with children because such walks will be both fun and useful for kids.

But keep in mind – first of all, being a birder is all about fun! Watch birds in spring, winter, summer, and autumn. In different seasons you can get acquainted with new species and find out what permanent residents are doing in different seasons.