SONIC Drive-In Guests Award $1 Million Ninth Annual Limeades for Learning Voting Campaign

Sonic - Limeades for LearningMy family are HUGE fans of SONIC Drive-In and love stopping in from time to time to enjoy a good hamburger, hot dog or other treat when we need a quick bite to eat. Luckily for us, we have one located just 10 minutes away from our home and when we’re down at the beach house, there is one located over on the mainland. If you’ve never visited SONIC Drive-In…you really should! We enjoy their food and we love that they help to support worthy causes like the one we’re going to tell you about today.

* This is a sponsored conversation. Please read our disclosure at the bottom of this feature.

SONIC® Drive-In, the nation’s largest chain of drive-in restaurants, completed its ninth annual Limeades for Learning® fall voting campaign on Sunday, Oct. 22nd, 2017. The campaign funded $1 million to 1,936 public school teacher projects over the four-week period. In partnership with, this national award winning and consumer-driven cause campaign empowers guests to make a difference in public school classroom by allocating SONIC’s $1 million donation to teachers’ projects.

SONIC Drive-In Limeades for Learning

From Monday, Sept. 25th through Sunday, Oct. 22nd, SONIC guests and fans told SONIC where to place its $1 million donation by voting at for projects they wanted funded through Limeades for Learning. Throughout the voting period, projects with the most votes each week received funding. This year, the campaign impacted 978 teachers across 288 cities including San Antonio, Texas., Memphis, Tenn., Oklahoma City, Okla., and Fayetteville, N.C.

“Science can already be a difficult subject for students to comprehend – but without helpful tools and resources to create a hands-on lesson, it can be even more frustrating for students,” said Caitlin Cleary, kindergarten teacher for Naples Elementary School in Naples, Utah. “This was my first year participating in Limeades for Learning and I can already see the results from my project, ‘The Science of Literacy’. With the new materials, my students are drawing a deeper understanding from our lessons and are transforming into literary scientists that can explore text in new ways.”

SONIC Drive-In Limeades for Learning

Following this year’s Limeades for Learning fall voting campaign, SONIC has funded a total of $9.5 million for 17,895 classroom projects, impacting more than 536,850 students in 1,701 cities since the campaign’s inception in 2009.

“Since 2009, our partnership with SONIC’s Limeades for Learning has helped fulfill thousands of teacher projects, and nine years later, it continues to have a big impact in America’s classrooms,” says Charles Best, founder of “Every year, SONIC has funded innovative projects that bring musical instruments, books, field trips, tablets and much more to public school students across the nation.”

Disclosure: This is a sponsored conversation in partnership with SONIC Drive-In. We received a gift card from the sponsor to thank us for our participation.