Arabian Horses May Be The Best for Endurance Horse Racing but Other Breeds Can Excel
Endurance racing although not as popular as flat racing, still attracts a good following in many places. Although this is one type of long-distance horse racing, the philosophy of the competition is slightly different from other forms of horseracing. This sport requires the horse to cross the finishing line first not only by virtue of its speed but also after proving that it can endure the hardships of the race. The racing track usually covers very long distances to test the endurance of horses and its riders, and unlike the horseracing that you see on, it takes place in harsh conditions of both weather and terrain. In the US, endurance horse racing can take place for distances between 50 and 100 miles.
Test of speed and endurance
While the flat horseracing is all about testing how fast the horse can run, endurance horseracing is slightly different. Besides checking the speed, the event aims to check the endurance levels of horses too. The race is quite challenging for riders because to excel in the sport they must be well conversant with the capabilities of the horses in negotiating rough terrains and weather conditions over exceptionally long distances. Also, the rider must be capable of efficiently using the pace because the goal is to reach the finishing point first. However, with so much emphasis on endurance, racers often say that to finish is to win. This attitude of riders demonstrates the toughness level of the race when touching the desire to reach finishing point with the horse often overrules the need for winning.
Horse breeds that suit the event
Riders who know their horse well are the best people to decide if the horse is fit for participating in endurance racing because there is no restriction about participating horse breeds. Tevis Cup, the famous endurance horseracing event in the US that takes place every year since 1955 has even witnessed a Shetland Pony taking part the race. However, for winning the event, there is no choice but to depend on Arabian breeds that are most suited explicitly for the purpose. The quality of hoof and bone of Arabian horses, its small size, and low basal metabolism makes it most suited to withstand the strains and rigors involved in long distance running.
Criollo horses are also suitable
If you want to depend on a pure American bred horse to perform well in the race, then the Criollo is your best bet. This South American horse has even a lower basal metabolism than the Arabian horses. To check if the horse would be suitable for breeding the animal has to run over a distance of 750 kilometers in 14 days and complete it in 75 hours. The horse has to sustain the journey by feeding on roadside vegetation and has to carry a load of 245 pounds on its back throughout the entire journey.
Akhal Teke from Turkmenistan is another horse breed that is less known but no less competent than Arabian horses in winning endurance horseracing competitions.