Prepaid vs Postpaid Flow Rate Meters
We live in a very dynamic world with a tad more development in technology every passing second. Developing a visceral connection with old tech might be detrimental not only to you but also to your practice.
The tawdry reality hobbles us that things have to change and change quickly. Being resistant to change puts you in a precarious position against the social norm. Same is the case when it comes to flow rate monitors. It was standard practice just a decade ago to use postpaid flow rate meters. Technology and innovation have seen the development of prepaid flow rate meters.
The message is clear that things are on a roll and change has to be embraced. The sheer specialty that comes with new tech is something of a sensation. In this article, we set out to dissect both prepaid and postpaid meters and draw a line on which one of them is the better alternative.
The differences between prepaid and postpaid flow rate meters
Pre-paid meters share the genetics of the postpaid meters. The significant differences only become evident when the payment methods for the consumption are considered. Both of them still apply the principles of mass flow rate to volume to determine consumption. With knowledge of the flow continuity equation, one can know with certainty the velocity and flow range for both these meters.
Both of these meters can have digital registers and can employ advanced tech. Both of them can be vortex flow meters to measure flow in turbulent un-streamlined channels. It is intriguing how these two can be so similar yet they are said to be different products.
Advantages and drawbacks of prepaid meters
Since most meters are used on a commercial pay for use means, they can either be prepaid or postpaid. The most common types are the postpaid meters. With recent advancements in technology, prepaid meters are becoming more accepted as they allow for one to stick within a budget and are very efficient for industrial use that requires high accuracy.In an industry where volumetric/mass precision is required, they can be very instrumental and reduce the labor intensity of a task.
Prepaid meters work just like automatic gas pumps and only the amount paid for is dispensed. They mostly depend on a magnetic flow meter to measure the volume being dispensed to communicate with its controlling mechanism. They help to avoid overcharging on bills that were misread.
Their downside is that they might cut supply when you need it the most. They are also expensive to procure and maintain.
Advantages and drawbacks of postpaid meters
Postpaid meters’ principle of pay after use make them very efficient for resource-intensive projects. You can use the resources on credit then pay back the full value at the end of the process.
The only drawbacks to using them come when you overuse the resources and go way beyond your depth financially.
Bio: Reuben Gideon has spent the last 25 years as a quality assurance and standardizations officer. He is also a Ph.D. holder in mathematics and physics, giving him considerable insight in mechanics and engineering. He specializes in vortex flow meter among other things. Read more articles from him here.