Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

Frugal Tips by Shelly at TwoClassyChicsHow many of you have indoor house plants? For myself personally, I have 15 in total and love having them in my home. Having a nice selection of indoor plants helps to filter the air and at the same time they add beauty to your home.

For those of you who don’t want to purchase or use a store-bought plant food, I’ve got a great homemade recipe to share with you today. I’ve been using this recipe for the past 8 years and have had great results with it. Once or twice a month all of my house plants get watered with it.

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

Best Homemade House Plant Food Recipe

1 Tbsp. Epsom Salts
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. household ammonia
1 gallon of tap water

We place our Epsom Salts into an old grinder and grind them up to make dissolving them in water even faster.

In a one gallon container mix together the Epsom Salts, baking powder, salt, household ammonia with the water. I use a 1 1/2 gallon plastic watering can that I got at the local gardening center. If this ends up being too heavy for you, pour the solution (using a funnel) into a smaller watering can or spray bottle.

9 Tips for Keeping Your Indoor House Plants Healthy

Tips: I buy ALL of the above listed ingredients at my local “dollar-type” of store and they last me for several months before I need to replace them. Grinding up the Epsom Salts in a grinder or blender is not necessary, but I like to do it so that they dissolve quicker. Just my personal preference on that. Finally, you always want to use room temperature tap water!

Storage: Purchase a small plastic storage container with lid (also available at dollar-type’s of stores) and store your supplies inside it. Keep the container stored on a shelf, out of the reach of small children and pets.

Here are 9 Tips for Keeping Your Indoor House Plants Healthy. You’ll find all kinds of great tips right here on our blog1

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