How to Keep Pests and Snakes Out of the Garden
We live in the suburbs and for the past 4 years we’ve had big problems with groundhogs, possums, skunks, snakes and other “pests” getting into our garden. In the past, we’ve had to spend time and money putting up wire fences around both vegetable gardens to try to keep them out. While the fencing helped, it did not stop the pests from getting in.
Last September I got the OUTXPRO Solar Energy Snake and Pest Repeller to try to halt the problem we were having. Since it was toward the end of the gardening season, I only had the opportunity to try it out for 4 weeks. During that time, I noticed a huge difference, but really wanted to put it to the test this year over a longer period of time.
We planted our vegetable gardens in May and after all of our plants were in, we added in the OUTXPRO Solar Energy Snake and Pest Repeller. We decided to place it in our tomato, onion, lettuce and pepper garden. This was the garden that was specifically attacked last summer by all of our unwanted guests.
In the past, not a day would go by that we didn’t see an unwanted guest in or around our garden. This year has been a totally different story! While it hasn’t stopped them 100% of the time, I would estimate that 95% of our problem is now solved! Yes, it’s pretty much solved! Matter of fact, in the past 3 months we’ve only caught one groundhog, one garter snake and two rabbits messing with our garden! Wow, that’s a huge improvement!
Your welcome to re-visit my original review on the OUTXPRO Solar Energy Snake and Pest Repeller that I wrote last year to get all of the particular product information. I felt it was extremely important to give you all an adequate update on the product since I’ve been using it for several months this time around.
If you’re having problems with unwanted pests getting into your vegetable gardens and don’t want the expense or hassle of adding fencing, this is definitely the way to go! Plus, it’s affordable and is powered by the sun! No electricity bills at all. We highly recommend it!
Additional Tips: If you’re having issues with pests visiting your gardens, you’ll want to eliminate using any food composting in your garden or flower beds. Sometimes they’re attracted to that. Next, we had good results in the past using wolf and/or coyote urine (purchased online) and then sprayed around the perimeter of our one garden. That urine smell (we couldn’t smell it) was a big SIGN to the pests that predators were in the area. If nocturnal pests are a problem, buy some solar-powered lights & solar-powered spotlights and try placing those around the perimeter of your garden. A few years ago I had an issue with some of the neighbor’s dogs & other pests coming into my garden to do their “business” so I sprinkled red pepper flakes and sprayed hot pepper oil around the perimeter of the garden. Dogs and some of the other pests don’t like it and it helped to deter them from my treasured spaces.
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Disclosure: Shelly received this product for FREE or at a discount, so that she could share her honest opinion with other potential shoppers. Shelly did NOT receive any monetary compensation. Your opinion may differ. This post contains affiliate links and if you make a purchase through the link, we may or may not receive a small commission which helps to support this site.