Gardening: Turn an Old Chiminea into a Flower Pot

I hope everyone has been enjoying our weekly gardening features over the past couple of months. We started the series back in early May and plan on continuing it through late September. You can find all of our GARDENING POSTS listed on one page for easy reference and we’ll be updating it as we go along.

Here’s one of my newest gardening projects. It’s not quite done just yet, but I wanted to share it with you today. This way if you have a Chiminea, you might want to make one too!

Three years ago I was given an old terracotta Chiminea and since then it’s been sitting out near my garden shed. There was NOTHING wrong with it and I knew eventually I would find a good use for it.

Well, last weekend I decided to turn that old Chiminea into a flower pot aka. growing container. It’s pretty easy to move around to different place in my yard & garden, since it’s constructed out of two separate pieces.

Gardening: Turn an Old Chiminea into a Flower Pot

To get my project started, I gave it a good overall cleaning with my garden hose and left it dry in the sunshine for two complete days. In the bottom portion I added some potting soil and fertilizer (mixed together) and added a healthy sedum plant. These plants are no-fuss and no-mess type’s of plants and can be planted directly into the ground or in containers.

I measured the circumference (opening) on the chimney portion and found a plastic flower pot that would sit down inside it. I filled the pot up with potting soil and planted a small sedum plant inside it with 3 small begonias surrounding it. Right in the middle I added a small solar outdoor light. After planting, make sure you give everything a good watering.

We’re going to move it next week to a different location on our property now that the plants have gotten established & things are going well. Luckily for us, it comes a part in 2-pieces and can be moved easily. I think it’s going to look nice down in my small corner garden (flower bed) located at the back of our property. Since I put sedums in it, I won’t have to fuss over it on a weekly basis.

Well, there you have it. My new gardening project! I’ll update this post again with a new photograph once we get it moved into it’s new position.

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