Top 5 Foods for Weight Loss

Top 5 Foods for Weight LossImage Credit: Pixabay

If you are trying to lose weight, you may be counting calories and tracking calorie expenditure to create a calorie deficit. While this idea of “calories in, calories out” has been around for a long time, there is new evidence that types of foods you eat matter and can make a difference with your overall weight. Here are the top 5 foods to help you lose weight.

1. Eggs

The best eggs to eat are right off the farm from free-range organic chickens. Not everyone has the ability to do that, but there are farmers markets and co-ops in many towns that provide fresh foods to local buyers. Even if you buy your eggs from the store, you are making a good choice for weight loss.

The latest research shows that eggs don’t cause high cholesterol which has been a concern for many years. They also will not cause you to have a heart attack. Just don’t eat a whole dozen of them at one sitting.

Eggs, when consumed in a normal portion, are healthy because they have a lot of protein and good fats. Both of these things help you to feel full so you will not be craving something in a few hours. Eggs also have a low calorie count so you can make a substantial egg burrito or omelet and not have to worry about gaining weight.
You don’t have to skip the yolks either! While egg whites taste great, the majority of the nutrients of the egg are in the yolks so you should eat them without feeling guilty.

Make one switch from doughnuts, bagels, or cereal to eggs and you will notice a sense of fullness or satiety for a longer period in the morning.

2. Healthy Soups

Soups can be a great addition to any weight loss diet when they are prepared in a healthful way. Toss any leftover vegetables with some chicken or vegetable broth into your crock pot and let them simmer all day. You come home to a filling and satisfying meal with low calories and lots of nutrients.

There is something about the comforting nature of soup that inherently makes it filling. Warm, soothing, and tasty, soups should be a component of at least one of your meals each day. Avoid adding creams and fat and you can eat most soups freely without having to count calories.

When I was losing weight using Isagenix products, I ate soup nearly every day. Isagenix offers a weight loss plan using meal replacement shakes for two meals, and then having a healthy meal you prepare on your own. I chose soup and salads primarily because they were simple and complemented my Isagenix cleanse. It was a very successful strategy as I lost over 9 pounds my first week and went on to lose nearly 50 pounds. Isagenix shakes are now available in the United Kingdom and are a good strategy for starting a healthy weight loss plan.

3. Beans

Beans are another food that go in the filling category and help with losing weight. Eat black beans, kidney beans, lentils, and navy beans to get a lot of protein and fiber in your meal. Replace high fat meats with beans in tacos, chili, and casseroles. When you prepare beans, soak them overnight and you can avoid some of the negative effects of beans.

4. Greens Greens and More Greens

You can’t eat too many greens. Their low calorie count and high fiber make them a near perfect diet food. When you want to eat high-volume foods, reach for greens like salads with lettuce, wilted spinach, kale, and swiss chard. In addition to being low in calories, greens have some of the highest concentrations of nutrients when compared to other foods. You will get full supplies of many vitamins and antioxidants when you make greens a part of each meal.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

When you eat those greens in a big, vibrant salad, use an apple cider vinegar-based dressing for the topping. It has been shown in some studies to be helpful with losing weight and as an overall cleanser.