The PERFECT Gourmet Gift Baskets for Mother’s Day

The PERFECT Gourmet Gift Baskets for Mother's DayBeing a mother is a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year job. Moms work hard and often times they work way too much and are under-appreciated. Mother’s Day is that one day a year where we can honor our moms, grandmothers and women in our lives.

When it comes to giving and receiving Mother’s Day gifts I like to present my mom with a gift that is totally unexpected. That’s where GourmetGiftBaskets comes to the rescue.

GourmetGiftBaskets has just released several new items to truly delight any mom or grandma — from those who became moms (or grandmas) for the first time over the past year to those who have been mothering kids for more than 75 years!

* Complimentary Sample Received for Review & Inclusion.

The company sent me their new Happy Mother’s Day Gift Basket which I happily passed onto my mom (a little early of course). One of the things that immediately impressed me (and my mom) is the presentation. All of the products come nicely packaged in a country-style wire basket with an attached satin-ribbon bow!

The PERFECT Gourmet Gift Baskets for Mother's Day

The entire ensemble includes:

Wire Basket with Fabric Liner
Ceramic MOM Mug by Burton & Burton
Package of Green Tea by Davidson’s
Package of Earl Grey Tea by Davidson’s
Package of Butter Rich Cookie Brittle by Holly Baking
2 Amber Rock Candy Demitasse Barista Sticks by Dryden & Palmer
Package of White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies by Kimball Lake Bakery
Package of Strawberry Tea Wafer by The Original Carlsbad Oblaten

Everything that my mom needed for a relaxing cup of hot tea. What’s really nice is that not only does my mom get gourmet tea, she got some great snacks to go along with it.

Mom is a big hot tea drinker and enjoys a cup almost every day after her dinner. She always tells me that it’s a great way to relax and de-stress after a long day. Thanks to this gift basket, my mom has enough tea to treat herself for the next couple of weeks, a gift that is well-appreciated! is a great place to shop for all of your Mother’s Day Gifts! You can still place your orders and get your gifts to mom (or any other special woman in your life) before Mother’s Day! You can connect with the company on Facebook to learn about new products and special promotions too!

Shelly's Signature

Disclaimer: Shelly received complimentary products to feature in this blog post. Shelly did not receive any monetary compensation. Shelly’s thoughts, opinions and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion. Your thoughts may differ.