CBD Hemp Oil Cosmetic Benefits
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Hemp and marijuana plant benefits such as providing a calm and relaxing experience and helping with some medical issues such as anxiety, nausea, and seizures are pretty well known. But what is not known as much are the cosmetic benefits you can get when you apply hemp oil or CBD oil to your skin and hair.
There are so many things in hemp and hemp extracts that can be helpful to your skin and hair that scientists do not even know yet what they all do. But people who use CBD oil are excited to share the latest in their beauty therapy in order to help others discover this amazing beauty find.
Hemp oil can be applied to skin where cannabinoid receptors begin to do their job. In fact, people with skin conditions like psoriasis and skin cancer use topical CBD for their treatments. If it works for those issues, it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to think it would work for dry skin and crepe-like skin as well. When CBD is applied to the skin, it works right where it is placed and doesn’t really go into the blood stream. So, you do not have to worry about getting high, but even if you ate it (which you can do, too!) there is no psychoactive component in plain CBD oil. CBD is also all-natural without any additives that can dry out the skin.
One of the ways CBD helps with cosmetic issues is simply overall health. As mentioned, CBD can be ingested for improved vitality and well-being. CBD has a plethora of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and proteins to keep your hair, skin, and nails looking healthy. This means reduced split-ends, recovery from hair-damaging effects from the sun and overheating, and strong nails that don’t peel. CBD is a great antioxidant so it attaches to free radicals and helps to keep collagen and elastin unharmed.
Acne is another area where using CBD can help. As a lot of adults know, acne does not only strike teenagers. Acne among grown-ups is fairly common as it is a direct reaction to stress and hormone changes. Even changing skin care products or your diet can bring about a bout of acne. When the oily layer on your skin, sebum, is overactivated, from stress or hormones, the glands near hair follicles get a bit junked up with fatty lipids. The good news is that these glands have endocannabinoid receptors which means that they could be affected by cannabinoids. CBD is one of the two primary cannabinoids. The other is THC which causes the high effect of marijuana use. This is probably not a side effect most people who want to use cannabis for cosmetic purposes desire. Thus, people tend to purchase CBD rich hemp oil from reputable buyers like American Hemp Oil’s website in order to avoid any THC effects.
There are studies such one from the British Journal of Pharmacology that found cannabinoids, like CBD, can control cell production and could be useful for treating allergies or skin cancers. But many who have used CBD for skins issues report to their friends, family, and on the internet, that it has worked for their moles/warts and even for HPV outbreaks. This does seem to make sense since CBD has been shown to cause the death of cells that are growing too fast in some studies, particularly with some lines of cancer cells. Clearly this is an area where further scientific study should definitely be targeted.