Top Apps and Gadgets for Folks Who Love to Vape
You have plenty of selection when it comes to flavors and devices, but you don’t know much about apps for vapers. Wouldn’t it be easier to quit cigarettes if you had some sort of diary fixed with a calculator that tracked your savings? Wouldn’t it be convenient to have a trusted resource to consult about recipes, modifications, etc? Here’s a dose of tech for those who like to toke.
Vape is a diary for those who are quitting cigarettes and switching to vaping. It tracks your monetary savings but also reminds users of how they’re improving their health. It provides data on improved smell, oxygenation, etc. It has an e-juice calculator and recipe book as well.
Smoke Free
Smoke-Free is available for Android and iOS. Its goal is to be a bit more helpful in getting users to quit cigarettes. It provides health-related and monetary data. Users also get tips to quell cravings that comes from a user-centric database, so it’s a bit more community based yet users remain private.
MicroCoil Pro
This is the app for those who like to orchestrate their own coils and have a tendency to fidget with mods. Users input data such as the number of times the coil is wrapped and its diameter. The app computes the resistance. Also, put in a voltage number and get wattage and current data.
E-Juice Lab
E-Juice Lab is for those who have a sensitive palate. First, set the desired juice to nicotine ratio. The app tells you how much of each to mix. Once you identify flavors you like, you can start making your own custom flavors based on the app’s suggestions. Get Clown liquids from online gourmet vendors.
Steam Engine
Steam Engine serves multiple purposes, providing Ohm’s Law calculators, juice recipes, coil wrapping tips, battery life estimations, and more. It’s web-based yet other apps, such as Vape Boss, use its data.
Vape Boss
Vape Boss’s Ohm’s calculator is powered by Steam Engine, but what’s really cool about VB is its social network. Create wish lists, access wikis, get suggestions about e-juice, and broaden your vaping horizons by meeting other personalities.
E-Juice Calculator
E-Juice Calculator is “Android’s answer to the Vape app (only available on the iOS platform). However, the makers pride themselves on providing a few more options such as a steeping timer and extensive volume of recipes stemming straight from the community.
Planet of the Vapes
This is sort of like the Reddit for vapers. It has over 30,000 registered users and it is a great spot to get novice advice or uncover a gem of an idea from an advanced smoker. Whether you’re curious about quitting cigarettes or have been vaping for years, there’s a thread for you here.
Vaper’s Toolbox
This app does not offer anything unique that you can’t find with apps above, yet its name seems to appear often in vaping forums. Specifically, people like using the app’s wattage calculator. If you’re seeking just one app that does it all, this may be for you.