Spring Cleaning Tips with Limoneira Citrus

e-Cloth Microfiber Cleaning ClothsMarch is here and Spring has sprung! That means it’s time for Spring Cleaning. However, it’s no secret that store-bought cleaning agents can be full of hidden and harmful chemicals that are best left outside the home. Therefore, this month Limoneira spokesperson and founder of Healthy Grocery Girl Megan Roosevelt has put together a bevy of cleaning tips and easily assembled DIY methods for keeping the home sparkling and fresh year round.

For a demonstration, you can view Megan detail her fresh Spring Cleaning tips and recipes on the Limoneira YouTube channel. Don’t forget to subscribe – videos with more wonderful tips and tricks not detailed in this release will be added to the channel each Friday throughout the month.

Spring Cleaning Tips with Limoneira Citrus

Grapefruit Multi-Purpose Cleaner

Grapefruit Multi-Purpose Cleaner – Multi-purpose cleaner is the answer to keeping the home looking and smelling fresh. Follow these easy steps for a DIY solution that skips chemicals in store-bought cleaners!

Peels from multiple grapefruits
Small glass jar with lid
White vinegar
Empty spray bottle

Separate the peel from the grapefruit (or the citrus peel of your choice). Using a small glass jar, place the peel inside, packing as tightly as possible. Fill jar to the brim with white vinegar. Cover jar with lid, and let sit for two weeks. When the infused vinegar is ready, fill a spray bottle with equal parts filtered water and grapefruit-infused vinegar.

Citrus Pan Scrubber

Citrus Pan Scrubber – Fun fact: orange halves can be miracle workers for getting stains off of kitchen pans.

Orange or lemon halves
Coarse table salt

Once the pan in question has cooled, add a few tablespoons of coarse salt. Take citrus halves (for added usefulness, juice them first and use the juice as you wish) and scrub away. Since this cleaner is completely non-toxic, simply wipe off or rinse with water after cleaning.

Lemon Microwave Cleaner

Lemon Microwave Cleaner – Microwaves can be a hotbed for unsavory smells… and worse. Lemons are here to help.

One lemon, halved
Microwave safe bowl
2 cups water

Place water and lemon halves in a microwave safe bowl. Cook on high in microwave for 3 minutes. The hot lemon steam will coat the inside of the microwave, and allow for easy removal of debris and food remnants by wiping with a damp cloth.

This information and cleaning tips are courtesy of The Limoneira Company.

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