Hubby’s Collection: Star Wars 3D Metal Model Kits
Several weeks ago I introduced you all to my husband’s latest obsession, Star Wars 3D Metal Model Kits and several of you told me that you were a fan of the Star Wars empire or knew of people who were.
Well, I’m back again today to show you the second model that hubby has completed. These models takes quite some type to complete and are done on miniature scale. No glue or solder is needed and the pieces are made from steel and shipped to you in a kit that contains flat sheets.
The first Star Wars 3D Metal Model Kit that he completed featured R2D2 and you can re-visit our original post on that to see his photos, information about the kit and where you can purchase it. He enjoyed making that model so much…that he purchased 6 more model kits!
Last week my husband completed the Star Wars Metal Earth 3D Metal Model Kit to make the beloved Star Wars character C-3PO. Just like the first model kit, C-3PO is made out of metal. The pieces are shipped on flat sheets and then you pop-out the pieces as your building it.
When building these metal models, no stinky chemical glue is needed and there is no soldering. You simple connect the pieces together using the convenient tabs and holes. They are in miniature, so it’s a tedious and time consuming process, but he said it’s well-worth it if your a Star Wars fan or a model-building fan.
These kits are NOT for little kids. Matter of fact, they state they’re for ages 14 and up. I think most 14 year old’s would probably need a little help from an adult, unless they’re experienced model builders.
Sam has been buying the Star Wars Metal Earth 3D Metal Model Kits from Amazon online. He said that they have the cheapest prices that he’s found and if you have Amazon Prime, they ship for free. Check out the 3D Metal Millennium Falcon that he recently built. It’s super-cool.
So, what do you think? This is the second one that he’s completed in the past 6 weeks. He just started his third one which is one of the space ships from the movie Star Wars. I’ll show you that one once he completes it. If you’re a gal and want to get into the crafting action with your husband, I recommend picking up one of the Star Wars Collectible Felt Character Kits. I reviewed one a few weeks ago and I’ve been making them felt characters & we’re going to use them as Christmas ornaments next year.
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Disclosure: We personally purchased the product featured today and wanted to share our 100% unbiased opinion about the product with our blog readers. We have no connection with the company. Your opinion about the item that we’re featuring may differ from our opinion.