The BEST Alkaline Batteries for Flashlights, Camping Lanterns and LED Candles

Dorcy MasterCell Alkaline BatteriesHow many of you burn through batteries like there is no tomorrow? Frankly, we use a LOT of batteries at our home, while we travel and my husband uses them every day at work. To say that we go through a lot of batteries would be an understatement at best.

The main culprits that we have that run through batteries are: flashlights, camping lanterns, battery-operated music players, flameless LED candles, the kid’s electronic toys & games and of course…our remote controls that seem to operate most things in our home.

In the past I would buy whatever brand of batteries that was on sale or a brand that I had a coupon for…after all, it seems that every week when I go to the store I was buying batteries. Heck, I even resorted to buying batteries at one of our local “dollar-type” of stores to try to save money.

However, I really wasn’t saving money at all. Sure, they were cheap in regards to cost, but they were also cheap in regards to the strength of power they provided and trust me, they didn’t last long either. Hubby and I were really getting frustrated with buying batteries all of the time…until now.

We received numerous packages of MasterCell Alkaline Batteries from Dorcy to put through the test. Since most of the items we use utilize AA and AAA batteries, we were pretty pleased to test them out.

outdoor flameless candles

For our test…we had 4 flameless candles (same brand, same size) and inserted different brand AA batteries into three of of the flameless candles and inserted the Dorcy MasterCell Alkaline AA batteries into the 4th. Each flameless candle had a different brand of batteries inside. We turned them on and placed them in our family room where they normally sit. (sorry, missing one of the candles from the photo).

The first thing that I noticed was that the flameless candle that had the Dorcy Alkaline Batteries inside it was a lot brighter than the other three candles. I never realized how bright the flameless candles could be when you used high-quality batteries! Over the next 6 weeks, my four flameless candles came on every evening and ran for 5 hours and then would automatically shut-off.

Results: During the 6 week period of time…both of the low-cost brands that I bought at a “dollar-type” of store quit working around week #3. The third brand (I’ll call it brand E) quit working during the 6th week and during that last week my candle light was extremely dim. The flameless candle that had the Dorcy MasterCell Alkaline Batteries inside it was still bright and going strong at the end of the 6th week! Matter of fact, as I type this…they are still going strong in that flameless candle!

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We also decided to test the Dorcy MasterCell Alkaline Batteries in two identical flashlights (same brand, same everything). We put the Dorcy batteries into one and brand E into the second one. When you turned them on…you didn’t notice any differences however, after two weeks of them both being used for the same amount of time, the flashlight with brand E batteries wasn’t as bright as the flashlight with the MasterCell Alkaline Batteries inside it. It was a noticeable difference!

So, what has all of this taught me you might ask? Well, buying those cheapo batteries for a dollar or two are not really saving you any money! You blow through those lickety split and they don’t power up your devices at the strength a high-quality battery will. When I buy and use batteries, I want them to last a long time, power-up my devices to full power and I don’t want any leakage or issues with them.

Now…hubby and I are not professional battery-testers, but we are quite pleased with the results and tests that we personally ran ourselves. We’re really impressed with the quality and performance of the MasterCell Alkaline Batteries from Dorcy and we’ll definitely be buying them to power up all of our toys, games, lighting products and electronics. In our honest opinion, you won’t find a better battery!

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Shelly's Signature

Disclaimer: Shelly received complimentary packs of batteries to feature in this blog post and to put through her personal tests. Shelly did not receive any monetary compensation. Shelly’s thoughts, opinions and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion. Your thoughts may differ.