The Newest Apps and Gadgets to Help You Wake Up Happier
Not everyone is a morning person. Some people wake up feeling bright and happy, while others feel sluggish and it’s all they can do to drag themselves out of bed and to the coffee pot. If you’re one of the latter, then you may be interested in checking out these new apps that can help you wake up on the sunny side of life.
Get Your ZZZZs
One of the keys to waking up feeling great in the morning is having a restful night’s sleep. Insomnia plagues thousands of people throughout the United States and if you’re a sufferer, you know only too well how it affects your waking hours. But here’s a free app that can turn all that around. Alarm Clock For Me is more than just a wake-up call, it can also help to lull you asleep with a preset timer that will play your favorite tunes, or a selection of white noise, until you slip into a peaceful sleep. Click here to find out more.
Get a Personal Sleep Coach
When you wear the Zeo headband, it will monitor your brain waves and transmit them wirelessly to the base unit. This device tracks you sleep throughout the night. Thirty minutes before you have set the device to wake you, it begins to monitor your sleep cycle for the right moment to gently stir you. Because it watches your phases of shallow and deep sleep, it can catch you as you are at a peak, so you feel as though you’ve woken naturally. It also allows you to upload your sleep information to your computer so you can check out how your circadian cycle is improving.
Get Your Own Personal Sunrise
Get out of bed can be extra hard if it’s still dark when your alarm goes off. Now you can have your own personal sunrise with Phillips Wake Up Light. The lamp gradually simulates dawn so that you feel like you’re waking to a natural sunrise, right there in your bedroom, so you don’t have to deal with the abrupt and jarring arousal of an alarm clock.
Get Organized to Start your Day
Start your day off right with an organized schedule so you know exactly what to do and when to do it. Wunderlist is the essential to do app. Whether you’re creating a grocery list or planning your appointments for the day, this app will keep your schedule running smoothly. You can set deadlines and reminders for important dates. What’s more, you can even share your lists with others so everyone is on the same page, literally. The app syncs between your phone and your other devices, so you can check your list wherever you are.
Using these apps and gadgets can help you wake up brighter and over time you’ll notice that your circadian rhythm is back on track. You’ll stay active and organized all day long.
Scott Hurst is a life coach who motivates, improves and challenges people in all aspects of their life. Read his inspiring articles online.