Proper Hand Washing Tips for the Entire Family
* Complimentary Product Received from Colgate-Palmolive for Review Purposes.
As a former healthcare professional, I learned how to properly wash my hands to help prevent the spread of germs. Over the years, I’ve become a prolific hand-washer and to this day, I wash my hands no less than a dozen times a day. Now that I’m a grandmother, I’ve been teaching both of my grandchildren how to properly wash their hands and to do so frequently.
Proper Hand Washing Tips for the Entire Family
1. Start out by rinsing your hands under warm running water.
2. Squirt a little liquid soap onto your hands and rub them together. Work up a good lather and get in between your fingers, underneath your finger nails and up past your wrists. Do this for at least 30 seconds.
3. Rinse off all of the lather thoroughly and towel dry.
4. If dirt remains on your hands or underneath your nails, wash them again.
5. Teach kids to be frequent hand washers from a very early age and instill that habit in them through adulthood. If kids have a hard time remembering to wash their hands for 30 seconds, teach them a little song to sing during the process or set a timer by the bathroom sink.
Additional Tips: You should be washing your hands before preparing meals, after food preparation, before sitting down to eat, after handling money, after touching pets, after using the restroom and any time that you come into your home from outside.
If you’re sick…you need to wash your hands more frequently. This includes after blowing your nose, handling any type of bodily fluids, coughing and/or sneezing into your hands, etc.
As you can imagine, washing your hands a lot can dry out your skin. To prevent that, you need to use a good hand washing soap like the one’s that I’m featuring on the blog today.
Let me introduce you to the new Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion. This new collection of liquid hand soaps contain a touch of lotion to lock in moisture. The unique formula hydrates skin leaving your hands irresistibly soft and smooth.
The three that I received for this feature are:
Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion – Aloe Water & Lime
Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion – Shea & Cocoa Butter
Softsoap Hand Wash Plus Lotion – Orchid & Coconut Milk
Over the past 2 1/2 weeks I’ve put all three of them to the test! I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing projects around the house and let me tell you…before I switched over to these liquid hand washes, my hands looked terrible! They were super-dry from me constantly washing my hands and/or having my hands in water when cleaning. They were so bad that I was starting to see some skin cracking on my palms and on my fingertips.
I placed one bottle beside the kitchen sink and a bottle in each of our bathrooms, that way they were always handy to use. I really love the creamy lather that I get when using them and after each hand washing, my hands feel clean and silky smooth. Incredibly smooth! Personally, I found that I didn’t need to apply hand lotion at all (I had been apply lotion twice a day) and was able to completely eliminate that thanks to these moisturizing hand washes. (sharing my personal opinion and results).
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Disclaimer: Shelly received a complimentary product as featured in this blog post. No monetary compensation was received. Shelly’s thoughts and words are 100% her own unbiased opinion on the company & products being featured today. This post may contain affiliate links. If you purchase an item through an affiliate link, we may receive a small commission which helps to support this site.