How HSBC is Using Technology to Become the Finest Bank

HSBC is a UK based international bank that was founded in 1865. Its aim was to foster a trustworthy and functional financial trading system between Asia and Western countries. It is the biggest financial and banking services provider in the world today. Its customer base stands at 46 million. You can be part of this large group of people who enjoy great services.

HSBC have their headquarters in London. Currently, they boast of 5000 companies in numerous countries across the globe. HSBC infrastructure constitutes four primary business groups including:

• Commercial banking
• Investment banking
• Retail banking
• Wealth and Asset management

HSBC is the second biggest company now in the New York stock exchange. Despite recent economic recession around the world, HSBC continues to grow. They have embraced the telephone banking technology system to make their services accessible.

Technology Experts

Indeed HSBC has been the leaders in banking because they embrace technology to take banking to the next level. One of such technologies is the use of internet banking. As a customer, you no longer have to go to their branches to get banking services. All you need to do is to create an online banking account, log in and begin your transactions.

Still on the internet, HSBC has a site called link screen. This site enables business owners to interact directly with their bankers. As a result, your business can easily get loans, credit cards or overdrafts without actually going to the bank. This way, you don’t have to leave your business premises so it saves you the time and money.

With the millions of things that you engage in that require passwords, you can imagine how difficult it is to remember some of the passwords. Well, HSBC has developed a new technology to help relieve you of this burden. They use video meetings and voice recognition to identify you. The voice recognition device takes into account things like the patterns of your voice and the size of your voice box. Trust you me no two voices are the same no matter how similar they might be to the human ear. Is this not a great security measure?

Great Customer Service

HSBC has great customer service. This is what is making them grow as a bank. Their customer service is always on standby to sort out any issues you might be having. Some of the issues may be:

• To check your balance
• Pay your bills
• Transfer money to a friend or a family member
• Update your existing customer details

For urgent issues such as stolen or lost cards, you can call the HSBC customer service number directly. They offer 24 hours telephone support. So should you lose your card in the middle of the night, don’t worry much, you will be sorted out. Just pick your phone and give them a call.

HSBC has used technology to their advantage. As a result, their services have continued to inspire consumers not only in the UK but also in other parts of the world where they operate.

Bio: Griffin Joel is a digital marketing specialist. He has over eighteen years experience working with financial institutions. He is also passionate about technology and banking. You can visit his websites to get HSBC customer service number and to see what he has for you.


  1. ellen beck says

    I have always used brick and mortar banks. I do also though have to say I am pretty old fashioned in that I still write checks. For me, I still havent gotten totally onto the ‘digital’ aspect of banking although I do check balances online. I have never heard of them, although I find it interesting that they are such a major player on the stock exchange.

  2. Jo-Ann Brightman says

    I like the idea of video meetings and voice recognition instead of having to remember passwords. It is also important to have good customer service. This does seem like a bank to investigate to see if I would like to do business with it.