Giving Our Amish Crafted Porch Swing a New Makeover

Amish Crafted Natural Cedar Wood Porch SwingTwo years ago I had saved up the money that I earned from Swagbucks and cashed it in for an Amazon gift card, so that I could purchase something that I had wanted for a long time. My own outdoor swing! No, not a swing for little kids…but a swing for adults & kids!

I was keeping my eye on the gorgeous 4′ Natural Cedar Porch Swing, Amish Crafted – Includes Chain & Springs for several months and after working hard on Swagbucks for two months, I had earned enough to get it. Here in Pennsylvania, you can find oodles upon oodles of Amish handcrafted items, but most of the time they are well out of my price range. We live one hour from a major Amish tourist destination and it seems that they really jack-up the prices around here.

Anyway, it’s in a natural finish wood (made from cedar), so once it arrived I had my husband stain it in a natural cedar color and put an outdoor clear-coat sealer to help protect it from the weather elements. In late Fall we take it down and store it in our garage until Spring. We then get it back out, give it a good cleaning and add another coat of sealer onto it to protect it.

Every time my grandchildren come over to our home they love to sit on the porch swing with us. It makes for some nice bonding time with the kids. During the evening hours my husband and I like to snuggle up on the porch swing and just chat about our day. It’s nice to get out of the house and spend some relaxing time outside.

The picture that I’m sharing of it today is from last year. Since that time my husband removed the poles that it was hanging on and installed hooks & chains onto our front porch. Once spring gets here, we will get the swing back out and it will proudly hang on our front porch for everyone to see. I just love that swing!

Where it used to sit in our backyard is getting a total makeover come spring. Hubby took down those ugly old metal poles that it used to hang on and we are going to put a small gazebo in it’s place and then put a bunch of flower gardens around it. We might add a little garden bench too.

Once spring gets here I’ll take some new photos of the swing in it’s new location and once we get the gazebo in along with the landscaping around it, I’ll share photos of that too!

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Disclosure: Shelly personally purchased from Amazon the product featured here. She did NOT received it for FREE and did NOT get it at a discount.