Mailbox Monday for October 31st

Mailbox MondayEvery Monday, I love to share some of the neat things that I got in my mailbox the previous week and I encourage all of you to tell me about the special things you got too! These special things can be gifts you received, special greeting cards or giveaways you won on the web!

Typically I do these meme posts every Monday, but lately I’ve been doing them every other Monday, so feel free to list your goodies for the past 2 weeks.

Shelly ~ A few weeks ago I participated in a blogger campaign and a little Thank You gift arrived last week. We received the new Peppa Pig DVD and 4 new Peppa Pig notebooks. My little 14 month old grandson just started watching Peppa so he got the DVD and my 7 year old granddaughter got the notebooks. In addition to that package, my husband won 4 coupons for FREE packages of Italian Ice which we already redeemed two of them. Next week when I go grocery shopping, I’ll pick up the other 2 packages since our local store limits the free product coupons to two per visit on the same item. Totally stinks! Also, got a FREE sample pack of Depends which went to my very ill Mother-in-Law, who has since passed on since I originally wrote this post.

Peppa Pig DVD and Books

What kind of free samples, gifts, giveaway & contest wins, etc. arrived in your mailbox the past two weeks? Now is your time to brag all about them!

PS: I do have a question. How many of you are legally keeping track of all of the items you win from giveaways, contests and sweepstakes and reporting them on your taxes? Just curious.

Shelly's Signature