Heat Treatment Solutions for Eliminating Bed Bugs

Heat Treatment Solutions for Eliminating Bed BugsThere are various treatment solutions for dealing with bed bugs. Heat treatment continues to be a popular consideration for many people who seek an effective way to treat infestations. Bed bugs are parasites and require a host whose blood they can feed on.

Common infestation spots for bed bugs include mattresses, headboards and box springs. They are small enough to hide in tiny cracks in walls. A bed bug infestation is most likely to be within a short distance from the host’s bed.

Heat Treatment

Treating and controlling bed bugs can be challenging and heat treatment can be useful. Sites close to the bed such as clothes and bags where bed bugs tend to hide are ideal for heat treatment. Any successful treatment will be determined by how early the infestation is detected and the treatment method that is used.

Heat treatment can be carried out in different ways according to the level of infestation and object being treated. Heat can kill bugs effectively if the treatment is sufficiently hot. There are different solutions for different situations.

Heating a Box

Infested items such as blankets, clothes, shoes and luggage can be placed inside hot boxes where there is sustained heat. The heat has access to tiny cracks or crevices that cannot be easily examined. Killing bed bugs through heat treatment requires extremely high temperatures.

This heat penetrates the items in the box and kills bed bugs at different stages of their life cycle. An appropriate source of heat should be used for the box to prevent fire hazards. All heat sources should be used safely at all times.


Steam is a commonly used heat treatment that has proven to be effective for killing bed bugs and their eggs. Since steam does not deeply penetrate infested materials, it is suitable for items, such as blankets, pillows, bed frames and box springs. Steaming can be used to provide heat without damaging the items. Click here for Texas Bugs-or-us.

Clothes Dryers

The heat that a clothes dryer emits can get rid of bed bugs, and items should be dried at high temperatures for a specified amount of time. Ensure that any items you put in the clothes dryer will not be damaged. Keep fresh laundry away from infested items to prevent contamination.

Professional Heat Treatment

Heat treatment can be implemented in various buildings by increasing the room temperature to a level that can kill the bed bugs. Room temperatures are raised while targeting all the areas that bed bugs can access such as crevices and cracks. This type of treatment should ideally be performed by professionals who have the equipment that is required for this purpose.

Professional heat treatment is effective and serves as worthwhile investment in the eradication of bed bugs. Whenever heat treatment is properly implemented, it effectively controls bed bug infestations. Heat treatments can also be combined with other treatment methods to yield the best outcome. Killing bed bugs by using heat entails making the interior of the building too hot for the bed bugs to survive.

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Bio: Laura White is a freelance content creator. She is enthusiastic about online marketing and sharing valuable information through the web. Her hobbies include travelling, watching her favorite television shows and yoga. Learn more about Texas Bugs-or-us here.