Relieve Pain Naturally with the Luminas Pain Relief Patches

Luminas Pain Relief Patches - Natural and Effective Pain ReliefHow many of you suffer with occasional pain or chronic pain? For me, I’ve suffered with chronic pain for almost my entire life. My nightmare with pain began when I was 14 years old and was diagnosed with Porphyria and a whole host of other problems. When I turned 21 years old, those problems got even worse and since that time…I’ve had pain every day of my life. It can be quite miserable at times.

There is a new breakthrough technology for pain & inflammation that approaches pain in a completely new way. The product is called a LUMINAS Pain Relief Patch and unlike other pain relief patches, these patches are very small, about the size of a dime.

These pain relief patches can help to relieve arthritis pain, back pain, hip & joint pain, headaches & migraines, neck pain and they can help to relieve pain caused by monthly menstrual cramps. Wow, that’s a lot of pain coverage!

Luminas Pain Relief Patches - Natural and Effective Pain Relief

What’s in the patches? The patches are charged with electrons from 100s of natural remedies, many of which have been used for centuries to relieve pain & inflammation. They contain no harmful drugs, synthetic chemicals or side effects and are safe & effective for all ages. The patches are non-transdermal, no chemicals or drugs enter the body.

How does it work? Electrons are imprinted into the patch and work naturally with your body’s own electric field to activate the innate natural healing energies that relieve pain & restore balance.

Luminas Pain Patches - Back Pain Relief

The Luminas Pain Relief Patches takes minutes to work and lasts for up to 3 days. You can wear them into the shower & wear them while you bathe. They are discreet and no-one will even know that your wearing them.

How it’s used? You can wear more than one patch at a time and you can get up to 3 days relief with each one. You change them as necessary. Just peel off the backing and stick the patch onto the desired area.

Luminas Natural Pain Relieving Patches

Our Thoughts: As I previously stated, I suffer with chronic pain. Every day I have abdominal pain, leg & foot pain, lower back pain and hip pain from a hip replacement. On top of that, I get migraines every 3-4 days like clockwork. I started using the product on my left hip (that hip needs replaced) and my right knee. Those 2 places have been really bugging me lately, so that’s where I started. The patches are really small, about the size of a dime. Since there are no drugs or chemicals in them, there are no odors at all. I’ve been using the pain relief patches for 2 weeks now and I can honestly tell you that they do help to relieve pain, but I didn’t get enough pain relief to stop taking my normal pain medication. With that said, I was able to take LESS of my pain medication which is a good thing! I’ll rate them a 6 out of 10 on my rating scale.

My husband suffers with chronic knee pain (he needs a knee replacement) and back pain from his job at work. He’s been putting the patches on both knees and 2 of them on his lower back. He really likes that there is no stinky odors to them and that his employees can’t tell that he’s even wearing a pain relief product. He likes the patches a little better than what I do. He finds that he’s getting great relief from them (not pain-free but releif) and rates them a 7 1/2 out of 10 on his rating scale.

You can learn more about the Luminas Pain Relief Patches by visiting the company’s site online. You can purchase the Luminas Pain Relief Patch (for Arthritis, Back Pain, Hip Pain, Neck Pain, Headaches, Shoulder, Knee, Menstrual Cramps, Tendonitis, Foot Pain, and other common aches and pains) from Amazon for a great price!

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Disclaimer: Shelly H. received a complimentary product to feature & review on this blog. No monetary compensation was received. Shelly’s thoughts, opinions and words about the product are 100% her own, unbiased opinion. We are not responsible for injury or mis-use of any products won from the The Classy Chics Blog. Please read our Terms of Service & Disclaimer Policy before entering our giveaways. Thanks!